What Compliance Reports to the Board of Directors

What Compliance Reports to the Board of Directors


This plug-and-play deck is designed to help you set expectations with the Board, so they know exactly what types of info they’ll hear from you. It’s a great tool for your Q1 meeting or for new member orientation so you all start off on the right foot. 

After a quick refresher on how Compliance manages risks for your org, this deck covers regular oversight reporting and updates on significant changes and incidents—all at a level of detail just right for your Board.

It wraps up with how to contact you with any unanswered questions so you can ensure members are fully informed and have appropriate oversight of the key risks they’re expected to manage. Level-setting FTW!

And, don’t forget to check out the Annual Board of Directors Program Overview template for those yearly status updates!

What does it cover?

Program Essentials