
  • Getting ready to use health information?

    Getting ready to use health information?

    If you’re in a healthcare setting, you know protecting health information is of the utmost importance. But what’s more? Making sure folks know how to handle it properly. This helpful tool gives your teams a rundown of everything they need to...

  • Keep, move, or discard it?

    Keep, move, or discard it?

    Accumulating stacks of paperwork at workstations is a normal part of the workday, but privacy breaches are not! This incredibly simple decision-tree takes the guesswork out of the equation so your administrators can focus on what you’re here...

  • Cost of non-compliance

    Cost of non-compliance

    Compliance failures can cost a lot! And we’re not just talking money. We’ve all heard horror stories about penalties, obligations (deferred prosecution agreements, yikes!), reputational impacts and other fiascos that can happen when something...

  • Do I need consent to use health information?

    Do I need consent to use health information?

    It’s generally advisable to take a proceed-with-caution approach when sharing patient info, but there are three very specific scenarios where patient consent is NOT needed: treatment, payment, and operations purposes. Use this job aid to educate...

  • Helpline Flowchart

    Helpline Flowchart

    It’s a lot easier to encourage people to share thoughtful, accurate, and detailed information when YOU do it first! Help your teams shake off the uncomfies about contacting the helpline with this stellar flowchart that explains exactly what happens...

  • When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    We love it when leadership takes ownership of compliance, but what happens when they try to handle big-deal issues all on their own? Don’t leave ‘em in the dark wondering when they should loop you in. With this guide, they’ll know...

  • Are you an information blocker?

    Are you an information blocker?

    Are you a (gasp!) information blocker?! You’ve learned to be cautious. But when it comes to the Cures Act, there’s such a thing as being too cautious. Example: You could be an information blocker if you require written patient consent to...

  • Is this health information?

    Is this health information?

    It’s not always obvious what’s considered health information and covered by privacy laws—or who’s responsible for keeping it secure.  That’s where this simple chart comes in. It translates the regulatory mumbo jumbo...

  • Handling health information?

    Handling health information?

    Health information flows through many hands while treating patients and processing payment for care. Use this chart to make sure your people — including Finance, InfoSec, and managers — know the DOs and DON'Ts of securely...

  • Is it a sponsorship, grant, or donation?

    Is it a sponsorship, grant, or donation?

    Umm, who approved sponsoring this Cheese Rolling event?... It’s great when companies participate in corporate giving. But it’s not so great when external requests for funding are miscategorized–or even worse–the request...

  • Do you know your international customers?

    Do you know your international customers?

    Some compliance teams have sophisticated software that checks for sanctions. But those of us who don’t have fancy pants spy-level programs need to do a little more digging to ensure that our international customers are legit.  That’s...

  • What happens when I make a disclosure?

    What happens when I make a disclosure?

    Employees are hesitant to disclose their personal interests for a conflict review because they’re worried they’ll be in trouble, have to ditch their side gig, or who will see their personal information. Eliminate the uncertainty of...

  • Help folks understand how the E&C Team impacts their day-to-day and why they are essential to our business with this infographic.

    What does the Ethics and Compliance team do?

    Next time you’re at a party and someone asks you what you do, hand them this! Okay, maybe don’t—that’s kinda weird, but you can use this inspiring infographic to to teach employees what the Ethics and Compliance team...

  • The Helpline Chronicles

    The Helpline Chronicles

    We recognize that not everyone fancies themselves a writer, so we've done the hard part and created this plug-and-play template for real life scenarios. Since the helpline is uncharted territory for many folks, uncertainty about what happens after they...

  • Received a request for funding?

    Received a request for funding?

    Anyone at your org might pick up the phone or receive an email asking for funding. Ensure they know exactly how to navigate those requests and avoid downstream issues with this job aid. Covering donations, grants, sponsorship and access programs, this...

  • How a manager can create inclusion

    How a manager can create inclusion

    Let’s be real, when it comes to being a manager, the people stuff is usually the hardest part of the job. And being asked to be “inclusive” can raise anxiety levels even further: How exactly do I do that? Am I doing something wrong? Is...

  • How to speak up when you're a bystander

    How to speak up when you're a bystander

    Employees don’t always speak up when they see things that don’t align with your org’s values or policies. Often, they throw in the towel because they think it’s someone else’s responsibility, that the issue was already...

  • 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    The truth is employees hold misconceptions about your helpline that keep them from reporting. But you can bust those myths with this eye-catching infographic. It tackles seven common misbeliefs from “My company probably already knows about...

  • What happens to information I share with the compliance helpline?

    What happens to information I share with the compliance helpline?

    Why’s it so scary in the dark? Because you can’t see what’s in it—duh! Shed some light on the unknown with this illuminating Helpline infographic.  It breaks down who sees Helpline reports, why, and how to remain completely...

  • Why should I care about compliance?

    Why should I care about compliance?

    Do your employees really get compliance or do they see it as a bureaucratic box-checking exercise they have to do once a year? Reach out to those naysayers (and your ethics cheerleaders) with this inspiring infographic that unpacks why compliance...

  • Helpline: Anonymous vs. Confidential

    Helpline: Anonymous vs. Confidential

    Investigations can be complex, but your speak-up comms don’t need to be! Keep it basic with this straightforward chart that quickly eases fears about reporting to the helpline. By breaking down confidentiality and anonymity, folks will understand...

  • Creating a speak up culture

    Creating a speak up culture

    You can preach “speaking up” until you’re blue in the face, but if your managers aren’t echoing the message—or even worse, unintentionally discouraging it—it’s not going to make a difference. And that’s sad...

  • How we treat each other around the office (manager version)

    How we treat each other around the office (manager version)

    It's not unusual to spend hours investigating a Helpline report only to discover that everything stemmed from a manager's poor people skills. It wasn't a true compliance issue after all. UGH! Be proactive and give your leaders this concise—but...

  • How we treat each other around the office

    How we treat each other around the office

    If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone. And, that’s no surprise. Like college roommates, sometimes our day-to-day interactions get...
