How we treat each other around the office

How we treat each other around the office


If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone.

And, that’s no surprise. Like college roommates, sometimes our day-to-day interactions get tricky because everyone has their own norms and pet peeves.

For some, this comprehensive conversation guide is a nice refresher to keep on track. For others, it’s a learning tool: Respect in the Workplace 101. Either way, hold employees accountable by explaining exactly what respect looks like. Then, when someone ventures into the “not this” column, you have a great coaching tool to close out those Helpline reports!

Looking for a manager-specific guide? Check out How we treat each other (manager version)

This piece is from our "Culture and Values" series—tools that are designed to give your folks practical guidance on how to live out your organization's values on a daily basis.