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You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do.
This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like...
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Anticorruption module (We play fair)
Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the...
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Ethics: Our Anchor
This tattoo-themed artwork reminds your folks that ethics are what keep you safe in troubled waters.
Video: Code Obligations
This short, targeted training video (roughly 90 seconds) reminds your employees of their core ethics and compliance responsibilities and where to reach out for help. Because this video applies to everyone, you can confidently share it with all your...
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Video: If it's disclosed, it can be managed
This targeted training video (less than 90 seconds) provides a thorough, but quick overview of what conflicts are, how they often stem from good things, and why it’s important to disclose them (even if they don’t think there’s an issue)...
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Video: Has an employee come to you with a concern?
It's gonna happen—I mean, it's what you've trained them to do!—employees are gonna go to their managers with potential ethics concerns. Here's the question: Are your managers prepared for it? They are if they have this short, targeted...
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Video: Stuck with a Tough Decision?
This short training video (less than 90 seconds) frames ethical decision-making in super practical terms, focusing on how people actually think instead of vague hypotheticals or academic philosophies. We’ll guide your employees through a simple...
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Video: Our Code of Conduct
This short, targeted training video (roughly a minute) spells out the top 3 things employees need to know about your masterful Code—when to consult it, where to find it, and who to contact with questions. Level-up and combine it with Our Code of...
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Video: Before You Post
In this short, targeted training video (less than 90 seconds), employees will learn how to steer clear of work-related hazards on social media. Like a trusty Driver’s Ed instructor, we’ll talk your employees through how to think proactively,...
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Video: We play fair
In this short, targeted training video (less than a minute), employees will learn how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture. We’ll walk your employees through how they can do their part to run a clean business by highlighting...
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Video: Non-retaliation for Managers
In this short, targeted training video (less than a minute), managers will learn how they should address employee concerns to encourage speaking up and prevent retaliation claims. We’ll guide them through how to react when an employee raises a...
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Video: Conflicts - Do any of these apply to you?
In this short, targeted training video (less than a minute), employees will learn when and where conflicts often arise and why disclosure is in their best interest. We'll start by breaking down just what a conflict is, then cover the different...
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Video: What does the ethics and compliance team do?
In this short (roughly a minute), targeted training video, employees will learn how the E&C team puts your organizational values into practice. We'll cover the "why" of training and policies, your role in overseeing the helpline, and your...