

  • Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Take the confusion out of escalating concerns with this short, targeted training video (1:30). In less than two minutes, brief your managers and HR on the key indicators for when an issue should be raised to Compliance. From illegal activity to harmful...

  • Video: Who’s a government official?

    Video: Who’s a government official?

    Walk your employees through the nuances of identifying a government official with this short, targeted training video (1:33). This video starts by explaining why it’s important to identify government officials, goes on to define who a government...

  • Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law).
Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits with folks from the other company—like pricing, contract terms, territories, product innovation, or any other strategic plans. That way, you’ll know they’re conducting business the right way and your integration won’t get disrupted by an honest, but illegal, mistake. 

For greater impact, follow this up with our before an integration job aid.

    What not to discuss during a merger

    Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law). Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits...

  • Empower your teams to impact company culture with these multi-platform survey reminders. Add the virtual background to your video calls, and use the signatures in newsletters, memos, and your own email. Throw those headers into your survey announcement and email reminders, too! (And into your intranet and printed materials.) Looking to leverage digital and physical real estate? The awareness posters will do the trick.

With catchy phrases and memorable graphics, these campaign materials will make your employees excited about providing their thoughtful, timely feedback. Cheers for improving E&C initiatives with trackable metrics!

    Awareness Campaign: Culture Survey Reminders

    Empower your teams to impact company culture with these multi-platform survey reminders. Add the virtual background to your video calls, and use the signatures in newsletters, memos, and your own email. Throw those headers into your survey announcement...

  • ALL employees should feel like a respected part of the team, but your managers might not know specific steps that'll make this happen. 

In five brief slides, this micro-module covers how to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusive practices into their day-to-day interactions, including accommodations that might be necessary. This way, they'll know what it looks like to celebrate and support differences without worrying about doing or saying the wrong thing.

    How a manager can create inclusion (mini-module)

    ALL employees should feel like a respected part of the team, but your managers might not know specific steps that'll make this happen.  In five brief slides, this mini-module covers how to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusive practices...

  • This micromodule equips your managers to create a speak-up culture that empowers employees to voice their concerns.

In seven brief slides, the journey starts with explaining why employees might not feel comfortable raising concerns, and continues with several stops along the way: (1) how to foster open communication, (2) handling mistakes tactfully (including their own!) and (3) when and how to invite  employees to raise concerns. 

Add this micromodule to the Annual Refresher Course, What to do when an employee raises a concern module, or couple it with the Creating a Speak-up Culture job aid or video to drive the point home.

    Creating a speak-up culture (mini-module)

    This mini-module equips your managers to create a speak-up culture that empowers employees to voice their concerns. In seven brief slides, the journey starts with explaining why employees might not feel comfortable raising concerns, and continues...

  • When employees speak up, it’s important to handle their concerns the right way and to avoid anything that might look like retaliation.

In six brief slides, this deck reveals everything your managers need to know when employees come to them with a concern, like how to (1) handle the conversation, (2) support their team through an investigation, and (3) avoid and address peer retaliation. 

Wanna pull the non-retaliation curtain back even more? Add this micromodule to the Annual Refresher Course or What to do when an employee raises a concern module, or pair it with our What is retaliation? or What is social retaliation? job aids.

    Avoiding the appearance of retaliation (mini-module)

    When employees speak up, it’s important to handle their concerns the right way and to avoid anything that might look like retaliation. In six brief slides, this deck reveals everything your managers need to know when employees come to them with a...

  • Give your teams the clarity they need when it comes to handling and managing personal data. 

In eight brief slides, this deck gives employees an overview of how to identify personal data, then walks them through how to use it, handle it, store it and delete it.

Add this micromodule to theAnnual Refresher Course & Code Obligations Job Aid or pair with our Is this personal data? infographic, and deal with less data breaches and reports of misused data.

    Handling personal data (mini-module)

    Give your teams the clarity they need when it comes to handling and managing personal data.  In eight brief slides, this deck gives employees an overview of how to identify personal data, then walks them through how to use it, handle it, store it...

  • Empower your managers to handle conflicts of interest in a way that leads to positive outcomes for your teams AND your company. 

In six brief slides, this deck gives managers the information they need to reassure employees that conflicts aren’t necessarily bad—but that not reporting them is—and helps managers encourage interest disclosure. 

Add this micromodule to the Annual Refresher Course or pair it with our Assessing Conflicts of Interest decision tree, and watch those COI reporting numbers climb.

    How to manage conflicts of interest (mini-module)

    Empower your managers to handle conflicts of interest in a way that leads to positive outcomes for your teams AND your company.  In six brief slides, this deck gives managers the information they need to reassure employees that conflicts...

  • Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the signs of corruption with vibrant...

  • What are side letters?

    What are side letters?

    Packing sandwich condiments on the side reduces risk (of mushy bread, bleh!), but contract terms on the side only increases it. Use this checklist to make sure your teams don't spoil the deal!  Perfectly proportioned, it starts with a short, but...

  • Video: It takes all of us to stop human trafficking

    Video: It takes all of us to stop human trafficking

    In this short, targeted training video (1:23), employees will learn how to identify the red flags of human trafficking when working with other companies. First we’ll explain what to look for, like whether they are located in high-risk countries,...

  • Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    In this short, targeted training video (1:45), employees will learn what to watch out for when working with third parties. We’ll explain the five main scenarios that are most likely to cultivate red flags, like working with government officials or...

  • Video: Why should I care about compliance?

    Video: Why should I care about compliance?

    In this short, targeted training video (1:30), employees will learn why compliance matters—not just to the organization—but to them specifically. We’ll explain how compliance affects their day-to-day responsibilities, like keeping them...

  • Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    You don’t expect your employees to memorize everything about privacy and personal data, but that’s the message they’ll get if you dump a ton of regulation-focused material on them. Make it clear that they just need to know the...

  • Gathering information for a personal data request

    Gathering information for a personal data request

    Expeditious Ex·pe·di·tious | /ˌekspəˈdiSHəs/ Definition : to do something with speed and efficiency How to use expeditious in a sentence:  This checklist helps your employees expeditiously gather and prepare information for...

  • Received a request to transfer data?

    Received a request to transfer data?

    What counts as "personal data" to one person might not be to another, which can create major headaches. Use this decision tree to remedy your ills and ensure all your teams have a healthy dose of privacy know-how. In five simple steps, it guides them...

  • How to handle a personal data request

    How to handle a personal data request

    Charades is fun, but, when it comes to handling requests for personal data, the last thing you want is for employees to play guessing games. Remove the ambiguity with this nifty infographic. It reveals the types of data requests they might receive and...

  • Can I use personal data for this purpose?

    Can I use personal data for this purpose?

    If COVID taught us one thing, it’s that we all like a good puzzle…occasionally. But when it comes to using personal data, there should be nothing puzzling about it. This decision tree helps your employees piece together when they CAN and...

  • Check before you collect personal data

    Check before you collect personal data

    Collecting customer information is easy. Making sure your employees know if it’s legal might not be. This sleek awareness piece reminds your employees to make sure it’s OK before they collect or start using it for a project.

  • Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting consumer data is risky business. Your company needs this information to run, but your people should only be collecting what they absolutely need, and tracking those reasons. But do they know this? This nifty infographic makes sure your people...

  • Template: Speak Up Snapshot

    Template: Speak Up Snapshot

    Reports: They weren’t fun in elementary school, and they’re not fun now. If only you had something to do the work for you… like this dynamic template! Impress your colleagues, stakeholders, and even the Board with Broadcat’s...

  • Cost of non-compliance

    Cost of non-compliance

    Compliance failures can cost a lot! And we’re not just talking money. We’ve all heard horror stories about penalties, obligations (deferred prosecution agreements, yikes!), reputational impacts and other fiascos that can happen when something...

  • When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    We love it when leadership takes ownership of compliance, but what happens when they try to handle big-deal issues all on their own? Don’t leave ‘em in the dark wondering when they should loop you in. With this guide, they’ll know...
