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Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations
Investigations are a normal part of business, but can be stressful for some employees. Keep everyone cool as a cucumber with this video, which outlines the top five things to remember when they’re...
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Module: Annual Refresher Course
Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going...
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Our labor standards
You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too. This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity...
Avoiding (even the appearance) of retaliation
Empower your leaders with the knowledge they need to handle employment actions fairly—especially after an employee raises a concern. This guide sets the stage with scenarios that might need a little extra care, then covers three key...
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Fair and consistent discipline
Inconsistent discipline throughout your org can leave employees feeling confused and frustrated, and may lead to legal troubles too. No bueno! Save the day by sharing this step-by-step guide with your people managers to ensure discipline is fair and...
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How to identify a government official
Government officials can be difficult to spot. Sure, senators and mayors are some obvious ones, but what about someone who works in infrastructure? Or a city government consultant? And if one of your folks doesn’t know the answer to that question,...
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Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?
Gifts and hospitality are a normal part of business, but they can also look like bribes to an outsider. Avoid this and other gift-related pitfalls by circulating this comprehensive gift guide. It boils down the key points of your gift policy into two...
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Legal, Compliance, Audit, and HR: Who does what?
If you’ve ever struggled to explain your job to someone, we feel you! The lines are often blurry when trying to distinguish between legal, compliance, HR, and internal audit. Which also means urgent info might take a few detours before arriving at...
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Suspect substance abuse on the job?
While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working. In three steps, this job...
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What not to discuss during a merger
Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law). Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits...
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What are side letters?
Packing sandwich condiments on the side reduces risk (of mushy bread, bleh!), but contract terms on the side only increases it. Use this checklist to make sure your teams don't spoil the deal! Perfectly proportioned, it starts with a short, but...
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Gathering information for a personal data request
Expeditious Ex·pe·di·tious | /ˌekspəˈdiSHəs/ Definition : to do something with speed and efficiency How to use expeditious in a sentence: This checklist helps your employees expeditiously gather and prepare information for...
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Received a request to transfer data?
What counts as "personal data" to one person might not be to another, which can create major headaches. Use this decision tree to remedy your ills and ensure all your teams have a healthy dose of privacy know-how. In five simple steps, it guides them...
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How to handle a personal data request
Charades is fun, but, when it comes to handling requests for personal data, the last thing you want is for employees to play guessing games. Remove the ambiguity with this nifty infographic. It reveals the types of data requests they might receive and...
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Can I use personal data for this purpose?
If COVID taught us one thing, it’s that we all like a good puzzle…occasionally. But when it comes to using personal data, there should be nothing puzzling about it. This decision tree helps your employees piece together when they CAN and...
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Collecting sensitive personal data?
Collecting consumer data is risky business. Your company needs this information to run, but your people should only be collecting what they absolutely need, and tracking those reasons. But do they know this? This nifty infographic makes sure your people...
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Cost of non-compliance
Compliance failures can cost a lot! And we’re not just talking money. We’ve all heard horror stories about penalties, obligations (deferred prosecution agreements, yikes!), reputational impacts and other fiascos that can happen when something...
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When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance
We love it when leadership takes ownership of compliance, but what happens when they try to handle big-deal issues all on their own? Don’t leave ‘em in the dark wondering when they should loop you in. With this guide, they’ll know...
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What happens when I make a disclosure?
Employees are hesitant to disclose their personal interests for a conflict review because they’re worried they’ll be in trouble, have to ditch their side gig, or who will see their personal information. Eliminate the uncertainty of...
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How a manager can create inclusion
Let’s be real, when it comes to being a manager, the people stuff is usually the hardest part of the job. And being asked to be “inclusive” can raise anxiety levels even further: How exactly do I do that? Am I doing something wrong? Is...
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Creating a speak up culture
You can preach “speaking up” until you’re blue in the face, but if your managers aren’t echoing the message—or even worse, unintentionally discouraging it—it’s not going to make a difference. And that’s sad...
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How we treat each other around the office (manager version)
It's not unusual to spend hours investigating a Helpline report only to discover that everything stemmed from a manager's poor people skills. It wasn't a true compliance issue after all. UGH! Be proactive and give your leaders this concise—but...
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Interacting with clients and service providers
While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by explaining exactly what civility and respect look like when...
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Giving and receiving feedback (manager version)
It’s not unusual to receive a Helpline report, only to find out after hours of investigation that it isn’t a true harassment or discrimination issue—it’s a general lack of civility and professionalism by a manager...
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What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?
Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this infographic maps out what’s OK to ask, what...
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Non-retaliation for managers (Do this, not that) (line art version)
Do this, not that! Show your managers how—and how not—to address employees' ethics concerns effectively. Leveraging the learning power of contrasting pairs, this task-based piece walks managers through how to react when an employee raises an...
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We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics (line art version)
Help employees understand how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture with this overview infographic. Whether your anticorruption program is the pinnacle of best practices or just starting out, it’s critical that employees know how...