
  • Stuck with a tough decision? (line art version)

    Stuck with a tough decision? (line art version)

    Ordered around how people actually think, this decision tree aids employees wrestling with whether something is permissible. Everyone experiences that queasy feeling when they’re not sure what how to do the right thing. We ask some...

  • Super Simple Helpline (line art version)

    Super Simple Helpline (line art version)

    Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally straightforward piece tells your employees exactly what they need to know for reporting concerns. Heads up: this is the line art version. Looking for the standard version? Find it here.

  • You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do. (line art version)

    You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do. (line art version)

    This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like this—common sense can go out the window when...

  • Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • What to know before an emergency situation

    What to know before an emergency situation

    When starting in a new location, there’s so much stuff competing for space in your brain that safety protocols don't always make the cut. Plus, instant recall is tough when you’re in crisis mode:  “The toaster is on fire! Ahh!...

  • Click-through guide: Is this person a government official?

    Click-through guide: Is this person a government official?

    Do all your folks know who’s considered a government official? No? Well, click-through guide to the rescue! Save the day with this 5-step interactive tool that offers one decision-point at a time to avoid information overload. Employees can...

  • How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    Imagine a world where employees are empowered and skilled at working out their ethics and compliance concerns themselves—before tensions escalate and managers, HR, and/or your helpline investigators have to step in...[insert clouds parting and...

  • Is your workplace an unsafe place?

    Is your workplace an unsafe place?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Is your workplace an unhealthy place?

    Is your workplace an unhealthy place?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Are you working against your will?

    Are you working against your will?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Are you prohibited from associating with others?

    Are you prohibited from associating with others?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Are you unfairly paid for the work you do?

    Are you unfairly paid for the work you do?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Are you being sexually harassed at work?

    Are you being sexually harassed at work?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Are you being intimidated or discriminated against?

    Are you being intimidated or discriminated against?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things you work so hard to achieve! But what does respect and...

  • Our labor standards

    Our labor standards

    You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too.  This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity and respect—no one better be lurking...

  • Reviewing a physician agreement?

    Reviewing a physician agreement?

    Finding out about a deal-breaker weeks into the negotiation process is no bueno. Be the hero and save your organization time and dinero with this clever checklist. Broken into two sections, this tool guides your people through evaluating the arrangement...

  • Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    You nailed your speak-up campaign. Now it's time to build on that foundation and give your managers the perfect listen-up tool to handle those delicate intake conversations. Since it’s likely that employees will go to their supervisor with...

  • Making a call to the helpline?

    Making a call to the helpline?

    Is your investigation team suffering from a case of so-and-so-is-breaking-the-rules anonymous report blues? Cure what ails you with this crafty one-pager. It lists all the ingredients for a fact-based report that your team can act on. Side effects...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Speaking Up and Characteristics Pack

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Speaking Up and Characteristics Pack

    Employees don’t always speak up when they learn about things that don’t align with your company values, so use these icons to encourage them to do the right thing. This icon pack helps visualize the ins and outs of a speak-up culture, like...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Entities and Information Pack

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Entities and Information Pack

    Need a way to represent different entities—like a government organization or healthcare facility—or describe how to handle confidential information or IP? You're in luck!  With this icon pack, you’ll be able to illustrate concepts...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Documents, Approvals, and Business Processes Pack

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Documents, Approvals, and Business Processes Pack

    Ensuring your employees understand your policies and procedures is the cornerstone of successful business practices. Use these icons to visualize everything your employees need to know—like when to get approvals, red flags that would trigger an...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Characters, Roles, and Miscellaneous Pack

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Characters, Roles, and Miscellaneous Pack

    Building strong connections are a key part of your business, so why not visualize it with these icons? Use these to show how maintaining ethical relationships inside and out of your company are important to the organization (like avoiding conflicts of...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Bribery and Business Courtesies Pack

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System: Bribery and Business Courtesies Pack

    Running an organization free of bribery and corruption is key to maintaining ethical business relationships. Use these icons to help your employees understand how these policies apply in real life and how anti-bribery and anticorruption elements are...

  • Broadcat Line Art Icon System

    Broadcat Line Art Icon System

    With this tool, you go from “licensing content” to “using a design system.” That's because we created a drag-and-drop visual dictionary to help you bridge the gap between our content and yours.  Inside this monster,...
