
All Employees

  • Values Check

    Values Check

    Your employees know what your org’s values are—but it’s not always obvious how to practically apply them to their day-to-day decisions. That’s why we created this at-a-glance, fill-in-the-core-value job aid to make the process...

  • Policy Overview Template

    Policy Overview Template

    Policies are meant to be followed, but if your folks don’t read them, they can’t follow them. Give your org the gift of brevity with this at-a-glance resource that summarizes key points and nudges them to dig deeper into the full policy when...

  • Video: When should I contact the Privacy team?

    Video: When should I contact the Privacy team?

    Do the folks at your org ever feel like what the Privacy Team needs to know is kept too… private? Get the word out about exactly when to contact them with this short (1:26) video.  In less than 1.5 minutes, your teams will understand the...

  • Video: Harassment

    Video: Harassment

    Explain exactly how to identify and address harassment with this short, targeted training video (2:05). In 2 minutes, this video explains what harassment may look, sound, or feel like, and clarifies that it can come from people outside the workplace,...

  • Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations.

From “my job will be negatively impacted,” to “someone else will report this,” and “it’s probably not a problem” (plus four more!), these myths are paired with the reassuring truth to give your folks the confidence they need when considering reporting.  

Include this video on your company’s intranet or helpline page, link to it in your email signature, or embed it in your Code to spread the word. For extreme effectiveness, combine it with our Hotline: Anonymous vs. Confidential or What happens to my helpline report? job aids.

    Video: 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations. From “my job will be negatively impacted,”...

  • This graphics reassures your employees that your org has resources to help teammates who may be struggling with substance abuse. From contacting the helpline to notifying a manager or finding out more about employee assistance programs, this awareness tool lists all the ways to find support and promote safety. 

The eye-catching design is especially effective in a manufacturing or construction environment, where safety concerns are paramount. Pair it with Suspect substance abuse on the job? or Resources to help with substance abuse for max impact.

    Resources to help with substance abuse

    This graphics reassures your employees that your org has resources to help teammates who may be struggling with substance abuse. From contacting the helpline to notifying a manager or finding out more about employee assistance programs, this awareness...

  • This simple but powerful graphic covers six common red flags of substance abuse on the job and where to go for help. Once employees know what to look for, they’re more likely to speak up when they suspect a teammate may be intoxicated, which leads to a safer environment for everyone. 

Reinforce the message with Suspect substance abuse on the job? and Resources to help with substance abuse.

    Substance abuse red flags

    This simple but powerful graphic covers six common red flags of substance abuse on the job and where to go for help. Once employees know what to look for, they’re more likely to speak up when they suspect a teammate may be intoxicated, which leads...

  • While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working.

In three steps, this job aid explains that employees should 1) not jump to conclusions or pass judgment, 2) try to move the affected colleague away from a potentially dangerous setting, and 3) let someone know immediately. Plus, it outlines helpful info HR needs to know to investigate. 

This job aid is especially powerful in a manufacturing or construction environment, where safety concerns are paramount. Pair it with Substance abuse red flags or Resources to help with substance abuse for even more impact.

    Suspect substance abuse on the job?

    While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working. In three steps, this job...

  • Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office.

Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us before keying in a password or checking if our work is visible in the background of our virtual meeting. These signs serve as friendly reminders to your folks that even the smallest actions play a role in keeping info secure.

    Awareness Campaign: Around the workplace

    Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office. Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us...
