
Handling Information

  • If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    Everyone thinks they can manage their own conflicts. Use this graphic piece to help your team identify and disclose all conflicts, all while reducing the stigma of doing so. One of employees’ core misunderstandings about conflicts of interests is...

  • Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of Interest

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Do your employees know what to look out for when managing third parties? This piece supports their due diligence efforts by covering the five red flags they need to spot and tell you about ASAP!

  • Going to a conference or industry event?

    Going to a conference or industry event?

    Stumbling into antitrust issues isn't fun at all, especially at conferences or trade shows. Get your team ready for how to handle those situations with this graphic reference that reduces the complexity of antitrust obligations into a simple flow of what...

  • Insider Trading Basics

    Insider Trading Basics

    Gordon Gekko may think that greed is good, but your company doesn't when it comes to insider trading. Educate your employees on the basics with this graphic piece. Aimed at a general audience, this piece lays out three common categories of material...

  • When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    Living your values means ensuring data privacy throughout your org. You’ve written all the policies, operationalized training, and have a Chief Privacy Officer. But do your people know when to pick up the phone and contact the Privacy Team? This...

  • What happens when I make a disclosure?

    What happens when I make a disclosure?

    Employees are hesitant to disclose their personal interests for a conflict review because they’re worried they’ll be in trouble, have to ditch their side gig, or who will see their personal information. Eliminate the uncertainty of...

  • Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk?

While prohibiting the use of AI might sound good, it ignores human nature to find the easiest path forward (and when has prohibition really ever worked anyway, amirite?). 

Give your employees direction with this comprehensive guide before they find themselves up a creek without a paddle. They’ll learn how to avoid disaster and why these steps are necessary. Not just that—they’ll appreciate finding clarity in the murky waters of AI ethics and you’ll know they have the right tools to get through the muck.

Wanna frame this important issue with a mini campaign? Bookend it with the We protect our data and  Notify Privacy when mistakes happen job aids.

    How to use AI Chatbots at work

    Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk? While prohibiting the use of AI might sound good, it ignores human...

  • Expense approval checklist

    Expense approval checklist

    Give your team an easy-to-understand checklist for walking through the major issues when approving expense reports. Proper approval of expenses requires thoughtful reflection about what, exactly, your organization is paying for—something not...

  • We protect our data

    We protect our data

    Foster a culture of data security at your company with this infographic, which answers the “why” of data protection with four key points: it’s the law, it’s good business, our customers expect it, and it’s the right thing to...

  • You might need an export license (ways to export version)

    You might need an export license (ways to export version)

    This graphic one-pager shows your team how to spot trade-compliance issues when sharing with non-citizens. Just because you’re not handing it to a courier doesn't mean it’s not an export—but that’s not really intuitive. This...

  • Would you trade on it?

    Would you trade on it?

    This graphic guide simplifies the types of information that should be protected to avoid insider trading. Without getting too far in the weeds of securities terminology (woof), this piece highlights common categories of material non-public...

  • Reassure your folks that secondary employment is generally OK, clarify what might create a problem, and guide them through next steps with this hard-working infographic.

    Starting a side gig or second job?

    Hobbies, interests, and secondary employment… OH MY! Side gigs—from hobbies-turned-hustles to volunteering and traditional employment—can sometimes be viewed as don’t-tell-anyone-or-you’ll-get-in-trouble pursuits, which is...

  • Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Being accountable and fixing mistakes yourself is great, but when it comes to privacy mishaps, there are situations where the Privacy Team needs to be looped in. This infographic explains the most common scenarios that require their helping...

  • Don't get fooled by email scammers

    Don't get fooled by email scammers

    Successful spear phishing sounds cool, but is one of your cybersecurity team's worst nightmares. Educate your team on the biggest red flags. Using a criminal graphic to grab their attention, this tool vividly highlights the not-always-obvious signs of...

  • This clever infographic reveals the five most common bribery tactics so your people can easily spot bribery attempts and notify you ASAP.

    How to tell if someone’s asking for a bribe

    Since shady people rarely come out and say, “pay this bribe,” it can be tricky to know when someone’s asking for one. especially when it involves non-monetary favors and sharing information. This clever infographic reveals the five...

  • Is this personal data?

    Is this personal data?

    Maintaining customer and employee privacy has always been important, but with GDPR, CCPA and other privacy regs across the globe, not only is it important—it’s also the law. Ensure your teams know what qualifies as “personal data”...

  • Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • Get asked to click on a link? (job aid)

    Get asked to click on a link? (job aid)

    Scammers are complicated, but spotting when they're spoofing web domains doesn't have to be. Use this helpful piece to teach your team the basics of avoiding fraudulent payments, misplaced confidential documents, and a compromised network by knowing...

  • Want to collect customer data?

    Want to collect customer data?

    A handy infographic based on FTC guidance, this walks your teams through the main issues involved in collecting and using customer data. Rather than give hard-and-fast rules, this piece asks critical questions about the use of customer...

  • You might need an export license (deemed exports version)

    You might need an export license (deemed exports version)

    This easy tool explains the completely non-intuitive concept of "deemed exports" in trade compliance. Focusing on deemed export elements that would surprise most employees, we’ve designed this piece to drive employees to seek help from compliance...

  • Template: Visual Legal Hold

    Template: Visual Legal Hold

    Help employees easily understand their obligations when lawsuits happen. When litigation lands, it’s critical that employees know how to navigate a legal hold. Why, then, are so many of them basically unreadable mountains of legalese? Use this...

  • Dawn Raid: How to Respond

    Dawn Raid: How to Respond

    Dawn Raids can be scary, but Happy Cloud knows what to do. Educate your team on how to respond when government agents come knocking. Your team shouldn’t be unprepared for a surprise visit from regulators. This piece offers some tried-and-true...

  • 4 ways bad guys get your password

    4 ways bad guys get your password

    This is an effective, practical instructor for your employees to keep their passwords—and your company's data—private. We list out the most popular means the crooks use to hack your team’s passwords using fun graphics that help...
