
Safety and Security

  • Expense approval checklist

    Expense approval checklist

    Give your team an easy-to-understand checklist for walking through the major issues when approving expense reports. Proper approval of expenses requires thoughtful reflection about what, exactly, your organization is paying for—something not...

  • Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out what can be expensed with without approval, what needs...

  • Leading a team after a major event?

    Leading a team after a major event?

    Business disruptions or other major events can be unsettling: routines are out the window and there’s a lot of change for everyone to process and manage all at once. Show your leaders how to lead, cut through the chaos, and help your managers find...

  • While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working.

In three steps, this job aid explains that employees should 1) not jump to conclusions or pass judgment, 2) try to move the affected colleague away from a potentially dangerous setting, and 3) let someone know immediately. Plus, it outlines helpful info HR needs to know to investigate. 

This job aid is especially powerful in a manufacturing or construction environment, where safety concerns are paramount. Pair it with Substance abuse red flags or Resources to help with substance abuse for even more impact.

    Suspect substance abuse on the job?

    While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working. In three steps, this job...

  • Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Show your folks these simple, but vital, rules for keeping company and personal info from being stolen while traveling. It’s not always intuitive that travel creates risk—people lose stuff, they get their computer stolen, hackers target...
