Safety and Security
Job aids
Business Development Team
Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?
Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out what can be expensed with without approval, what needs...
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Organizing a company event?
Help your event organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and (importantly!) fun event with this enlightening infographic. Starting with pre-event considerations like pulling the necessary permits to during-event awareness like monitoring for...
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Our labor standards
You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too. This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity and respect—no one better be lurking...
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Going on a trip? Protect your data!
Show your folks these simple, but vital, rules for keeping company and personal info from being stolen while traveling. It’s not always intuitive that travel creates risk—people lose stuff, they get their computer stolen, hackers target...