
  • You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • Where to find the code of conduct - horizontal

    Where to find the code of conduct - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • When to Check the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    When to Check the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • What is the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    What is the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • Every employee is responsible for - horizontal

    Every employee is responsible for - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course, Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic, and corresponding...

  • Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • Can't find it in the code? - Horizontal

    Can't find it in the code? - Horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a holistic campaign.

  • How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    Need to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity? Use these elegant job aids to help your team do it properly. Government instructions, amirite?! We’ve taken the government’s confusing form-completion directions and transformed them...

  • How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    Make interacting with HCPs easier for your employees by laying out what they can and can’t do in a simple—yet powerful—chart. If your G&E policy can’t be distilled into a chart, it’s too complicated. We’ve done...

  • How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    Help your representatives navigate confusing government instructions for completing the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) with this straightforward job aid. We’ve simplified seven (seven!!) full pages of dense government...

  • Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Use this graphic job aid to prevent your sales team from running afoul of CMS requirements when they review DWOs. Who knew reviewing DWOs were so complicated?! (Those in the medical field, obvs.) Broken down into a two-step process covering both...

  • Have something to say - horizontal

    Have something to say - horizontal

    Remind your team that when they're speaking up, they're speaking on behalf of themselves. Originally created to create awareness on political activities in the workplace, this can be customized for other situations.

  • Practice Polite Politics (handshake version) - horizontal

    Practice Polite Politics (handshake version) - horizontal

    Alliteration for the win! Remind your folks that being courteous is always appropriate, particularly when politics are involved.

  • One post, no context - horizontal

    One post, no context - horizontal

    A quick, beautiful illustration that social media can ruin your employees' careers in one instant.

  • Do you really know your followers? - horizontal

    Do you really know your followers? - horizontal

    This piece reminds employees it's not just mom and their high school friends following them online. And one post is all it takes to ruin their reputations.

  • Message (Kind of) Deleted - horizontal

    Message (Kind of) Deleted - horizontal

    A fun illustration showing that what your team posts online can (and likely will) exist forever.

  • Check the background before you share it - horizontal

    Check the background before you share it - horizontal

    Encourage your team to avoid inadvertently posting photos with your company's confidential info.

  • Your post may self-destruct, but copies last forever - horizontal

    Your post may self-destruct, but copies last forever - horizontal

    Just because a post is "self-destructing" doesn't mean they can't be shared by others. Remind your folks to be mindful of what they share, even if they think it won't live on.

  • Gifts are not travel expenses - horizontal

    Gifts are not travel expenses - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that the right things are included on T&E reports—and the wrong things aren’t disguised as legit expenses. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build...

  • Travel for government officials must be pre-approved - horizontal

    Travel for government officials must be pre-approved - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud...

  • Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved - horizontal

    Entertainment to government officials must be preapproved - horizontal

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud...

  • This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    Business trips with partners can get complicated quickly, particularly when government officials are involved. Keep your employees alert when they're planning.

  • If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    A handy reminder that travel with a government official can cross the line into bribery.

  • We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
