Featured Products
Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations
Investigations are a normal part of business, but can be stressful for some employees. Keep everyone cool as a cucumber with this video, which outlines the top five things to remember when they’re...
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Module: Annual Refresher Course
Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going...
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Our labor standards
You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too. This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity...
Working remotely? Protect your data!
Your employees likely work on the go—from hotels, airports, home, bathroom stalls (hey, we don’t judge!)—which invites increased cybersecurity, privacy, and confidentiality risks. Kick your worries to the curb by giving them this tool,...
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Leading a team after a major event?
Business disruptions or other major events can be unsettling: routines are out the window and there’s a lot of change for everyone to process and manage all at once. Show your leaders how to lead, cut through the chaos, and help your managers find...
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Has an employee asked for reasonable accommodation?
Inclusion isn’t just a buzzword: Every company wants to make sure employees are set up for success and have equal access to all their benefits and privileges—after all, that’s how you retain your best people! Since every person and...
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Has someone come to our ER seeking emergency care?
Healthcare laws are complicated—we’re looking at you, EMTALA!—but this decision tree is not. Use this tool to help your employees follow appropriate ER procedures: should the person seeking care receive emergency care or be transferred,...
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Partnering with HCPs
Do your Company reps ever pitch partnership opportunities with HCPs? That’s awesome! Partnerships are great for business … when they’re properly handled. Show your support with this checklist, which guides your people through the...
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Technical Support to HCPs
It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this! Use this checklist to prep your reps to provide technical support in a clinical setting. This tool breaks down what they need to consider before and during their visit to keep interactions with HCPs totally...
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Communicating off-label use
Your HCP-facing employees want to encourage use of your products while keeping between the lines. Says easy, does hard! Help them stay on the straight and narrow path with this tool that outlines what’s appropriate—both generally when sharing...
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Watch out for red flags from third parties
Do your employees know what to look out for when managing third parties? This piece supports their due diligence efforts by covering the five red flags they need to spot and tell you about ASAP!
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How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity
Need to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity? Use these elegant job aids to help your team do it properly. Government instructions, amirite?! We’ve taken the government’s confusing form-completion directions and transformed them...
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How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?
Make interacting with HCPs easier for your employees by laying out what they can and can’t do in a simple—yet powerful—chart. If your G&E policy can’t be distilled into a chart, it’s too complicated. We’ve done...
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How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)
Help your representatives navigate confusing government instructions for completing the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) with this straightforward job aid. We’ve simplified seven (seven!!) full pages of dense government...
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Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)
Use this graphic job aid to prevent your sales team from running afoul of CMS requirements when they review DWOs. Who knew reviewing DWOs were so complicated?! (Those in the medical field, obvs.) Broken down into a two-step process covering both...
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Get asked to click on a link? (job aid)
Scammers are complicated, but spotting when they're spoofing web domains doesn't have to be. Use this helpful piece to teach your team the basics of avoiding fraudulent payments, misplaced confidential documents, and a compromised network by knowing...
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Basic Code of Conduct Obligations
This general guide is a quick reminder (with tips!) of day-to-day things that every employee needs to know, including how each of us has responsibilities related to ethics and compliance. Meant as a refresher and thought-provoker, this piece...
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Referrals involving Medicare or Medicaid
Use this decision tree to help your employees navigate the Stark Law’s requirements regarding referrals involving payment by Medicare or Medicaid. Covering the essentials of most day-to-day situations and the requirements that physician...
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When Do You Need to Check Our Code of Conduct?
This elegant decision tree goes beyond obvious cases like “when you're not sure” to give expansive guidance on when to use your Code. In short, if your employee is doing something brand-new at the company, they should check the Code. If your...
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Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?
Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out what can be expensed with without approval, what needs...
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Business Gratuities: What Can You Give/Receive?
Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for simpler policies. We made the gift-giving and -receiving process simple by breaking out what can be exchanged, what documentation or approval is needed, and...
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Handling Personal Information?
This easy-to-use chart covers what counts as personal information—and how to think through managing it. Handling personal information—whether it’s your customers’ or your own employees’—is risky, so help your...
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Finalizing, Submitting, or Storing Company Records?
This simple checklist helps employees keep good records without getting bogged down with trying to remember what to do. It’s easy to forget how vital recordkeeping is, but sometimes the mere act of insufficient documentation is itself a violation...
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Red Flags of Human Trafficking
Empower employees to spot human trafficking red flags with this powerful infographic. You’ve got every reason to want to avoid human trafficking in your supply chain, so we give your team a heads-up on what to look for. This infographic focuses...
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Is this person a government official?
Use this awesome, in-depth flow chart to show your folks how to ID government officials. Just because someone doesn’t have the title of “senator” or “His Excellency” doesn’t mean they’re not a government...
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Managing a Joint Venture Partner?
Help your team know how to navigate day-to-day JV issues with this handy guide that hits all the key areas of corruption, trade compliance, conflicts, confidentiality and more—all so your team doesn’t have to do it from memory. It’s...
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Exploring a potential partnership?
This easy checklist gets your business development folks ready to take on new partners the right way. While your deal team is busy working to close the deal on a new partnership, keep potential compliance problems at the fore with this easy-to-follow...