
Job aids

  • This tool helps quickly answer the question, “Who really needs this guidance?” so you can tailor the content to their roles and activities.

    Who should get this training?

    Training everyone on everything is exhausting—for you and the org. It hurts your rep by making compliance feel like an irrelevant formality. But can you really do this differently? Yes! Tailor your training and reminders to the folks who pose the...

  • Understanding Microaggressions

    Understanding Microaggressions

    Microaggressions can quietly erode morale, fuel turnover, and expose your organization to legal risks. This infographic provides a clear and actionable guide to understanding, preventing, and addressing these subtle yet harmful behaviors. Use it to...

  • Explain what insider threats are, where they come from, and what red flag behaviors your teams need to bring to your attention.

    Insider threat red flags

    Educate your employees on what insider threats are, where they come from, and some common red flag behaviors.  This infographic kicks things off with a not-so-obvious concept: that insider threats don’t necessarily come from inside the...

  • This guide does the heavy lifting of defining HCPs, outlining what to document, and where to submit all this info (on time)!

    Providing something of value to an HCP?

    When providing payment or something of value to healthcare professionals, transparency is paramount. But to accomplish this, your teams need to gather and report accurate and complete information.  Let this guide do the heavy lifting for you by...

  • Three simple questions guide your employees through whether it’s OK to share info freely or they need an NDA before spilling the company beans.

    Do you need to get an NDA signed?

    Ever wonder if something you're about to share needs to be kept hush-hush? This handy guide is here to help! Think of it like a three-question quiz: answer yes or no, and it'll tell you if a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is needed before anyone spills...

  • Help your organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and fun event with this infographic, which details key before- and during-event steps to mitigate non-compliance.

    Organizing a company event?

    Help your event organizers throw an inclusive, productive, and (importantly!) fun event with this enlightening infographic. Starting with pre-event considerations like pulling the necessary permits to during-event awareness like monitoring for...

  • Guide your people through important pre-event decision-making and during-event reminders to ensure everyone feels safe, and no one goes off the rails.

    Behavior during business events

    Whether members of your org are attending a holiday party, product launch, or trade show—or anything in between—make sure they know what behavior you expect before attending the event. This infographic guides them on important pre-event...

  • Reassure your folks that secondary employment is generally OK, clarify what might create a problem, and guide them through next steps with this hard-working infographic.

    Starting a side gig or second job?

    Hobbies, interests, and secondary employment… OH MY! Side gigs—from hobbies-turned-hustles to volunteering and traditional employment—can sometimes be viewed as don’t-tell-anyone-or-you’ll-get-in-trouble pursuits, which is...

  • This checklist outlines everything your employees need to verify before they use ephemeral messaging apps.

    Vanishing Words: A Guide to Ephemeral Messaging

    Ephemeral messaging—aka self-destructing apps—are an easy way to send a quick status update. But, when it comes to business discussions, your employees need to know the DOs and DON’Ts of using these apps to keep your company out of hot...

  • This checklist simplifies the investigation report drafting process and guides your investigators through everything they need to include—from initial timelines to root causes.

    Writing a good investigation report

    After all the effort that goes into a quality workplace investigation, writing a report that’s both concise and comprehensive can seem exhausting. But you need to memorialize that effort and it’s not something you can afford to get wrong...

  • This thorough checklist guides you through the final review to ensure nothing fell through the cracks and your investigation report is courtroom ready.

    Finalizing the investigation report

    You’ve completed a thorough and thoughtful investigation, determined root causes, and have great ideas for how to resolve the issue and keep it from happening again. You’ve even written a fab report using our Writing a good investigation...

  • Bring awareness to your  third-party due diligence process with this simple job aid, so your teams know what needs to happen before they engage with them.

    Engaging a New Third Party or Business Partner?

    Shed light on third-party due diligence with this simple job aid. This easy-to-use guide provides clear steps, ensuring your team knows about—and can plan for—your vetting process before engaging with new vendors, suppliers, contractors,...

  • This guide makes it easy for employees to spot gov officials—even the less obvious ones—so your org can avoid costly AC/AB faux pas.

    How to identify a government official

    Government officials can be difficult to spot. Sure, senators and mayors are some obvious ones, but what about someone who works in infrastructure? Or a city government consultant? And if one of your folks doesn’t know the answer to that question,...

  • What concerns should I report to the helpline?

    What concerns should I report to the helpline?

    Sometimes employees aren’t sure what issues they should raise through your helpline so you get everything from “so-and-so walks around barefoot in the office” to “I think my manager might be committing fraud.” This...

  • Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and hospitality are a normal part of business, but they can also look like bribes to an outsider. Avoid this and other gift-related pitfalls by circulating this comprehensive gift guide. It boils down the key points of your gift policy into two...

  • These aren’t your grandpa’s phishing scams

    These aren’t your grandpa’s phishing scams

    Phishing schemes have become much more advanced and difficult to spot if you don’t know what to look for. So, educate your folks on phishing in the age of AI with this helpful infographic. This at-a-glance tool explains some of the common bait...

  • If you’ve ever struggled to explain your job to someone, we feel you! The lines are often blurry when trying to distinguish between legal, compliance, HR, and internal audit. Which also means urgent info might take a few detours before arriving at the right destination (or get lost along the way!).

Demystify who does what with this handy chart, and look forward to receiving important info that actually belongs in your department, while spending a lot less time sending those “looping in so-and-so” emails. 

Looking for a pared-down version that works just as hard? Try the “Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?” infographic.

    Legal, Compliance, Audit, and HR: Who does what?

    If you’ve ever struggled to explain your job to someone, we feel you! The lines are often blurry when trying to distinguish between legal, compliance, HR, and internal audit. Which also means urgent info might take a few detours before arriving at...

  • While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working.

In three steps, this job aid explains that employees should 1) not jump to conclusions or pass judgment, 2) try to move the affected colleague away from a potentially dangerous setting, and 3) let someone know immediately. Plus, it outlines helpful info HR needs to know to investigate. 

This job aid is especially powerful in a manufacturing or construction environment, where safety concerns are paramount. Pair it with Substance abuse red flags or Resources to help with substance abuse for even more impact.

    Suspect substance abuse on the job?

    While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working. In three steps, this job...

  • Goal setting for managers

    Goal setting for managers

    It’s great when teams reach for the stars when setting their goals. But, ethics and compliance problems are likely to happen when those goals are unrealistic or poorly thought out, causing teams to cut corners, avoid collaborating, sacrifice...

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to...

  • Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law).
Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits with folks from the other company—like pricing, contract terms, territories, product innovation, or any other strategic plans. That way, you’ll know they’re conducting business the right way and your integration won’t get disrupted by an honest, but illegal, mistake. 

For greater impact, follow this up with our before an integration job aid.

    What not to discuss during a merger

    Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law). Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits...

  • Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk?

While prohibiting the use of AI might sound good, it ignores human nature to find the easiest path forward (and when has prohibition really ever worked anyway, amirite?). 

Give your employees direction with this comprehensive guide before they find themselves up a creek without a paddle. They’ll learn how to avoid disaster and why these steps are necessary. Not just that—they’ll appreciate finding clarity in the murky waters of AI ethics and you’ll know they have the right tools to get through the muck.

Wanna frame this important issue with a mini campaign? Bookend it with the We protect our data and  Notify Privacy when mistakes happen job aids.

    How to use AI Chatbots at work

    Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk? While prohibiting the use of AI might sound good, it ignores human...

  • What are side letters?

    What are side letters?

    Packing sandwich condiments on the side reduces risk (of mushy bread, bleh!), but contract terms on the side only increases it. Use this checklist to make sure your teams don't spoil the deal!  Perfectly proportioned, it starts with a short, but...

  • What is social retaliation?

    What is social retaliation?

    No one likes to feel like an outcast, especially after being brave and speaking up or participating in an investigation. This is the type of retaliation that many employees fear, but it isn’t always clearly covered by non-retaliation policies.This...
