Featured Products
You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do.
This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like...
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Anticorruption module (We play fair)
Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the...
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Ethics: Our Anchor
This tattoo-themed artwork reminds your folks that ethics are what keep you safe in troubled waters.
Who's a Government Official?
Take the mystery out of who is—and who isn’t—a government official with this job aid. Just because someone doesn’t have a regal title or isn't a politician doesn’t mean they’re not a “government official.”...
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Hiring a new service provider?
Quickly educate your team on how to avoid potential bribery when hiring outside providers who will be interacting with the government with this graphic piece. Statistically, if something's going to go wrong for you in the anticorruption space, it's...
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You might need an export license (ways to export version)
This graphic one-pager shows your team how to spot trade-compliance issues when sharing with non-citizens. Just because you’re not handing it to a courier doesn't mean it’s not an export—but that’s not really intuitive. This...
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You might need an export license (deemed exports version)
This easy tool explains the completely non-intuitive concept of "deemed exports" in trade compliance. Focusing on deemed export elements that would surprise most employees, we’ve designed this piece to drive employees to seek help from compliance...
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You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do.
This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like this—common sense can go out the window when...