
  • No fishing for competitive info - horizontal

    No fishing for competitive info - horizontal

    A concise reminder to your sales and marketing teams that trying to obtain knowledge about competitors is off-limits.

  • Partnering with HCPs

    Partnering with HCPs

    Do your Company reps ever pitch partnership opportunities with HCPs? That’s awesome! Partnerships are great for business … when they’re properly handled. Show your support with this checklist, which guides your people through the...

  • Technical Support to HCPs

    Technical Support to HCPs

    It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this! Use this checklist to prep your reps to provide technical support in a clinical setting. This tool breaks down what they need to consider before and during their visit to keep interactions with HCPs totally...

  • Communicating off-label use

    Communicating off-label use

    Your HCP-facing employees want to encourage use of your products while keeping between the lines. Says easy, does hard! Help them stay on the straight and narrow path with this tool that outlines what’s appropriate—both generally when sharing...

  • Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Do your employees know what to look out for when managing third parties? This piece supports their due diligence efforts by covering the five red flags they need to spot and tell you about ASAP!

  • Ask questions if your third party... - horizontal

    Ask questions if your third party... - horizontal

    Managing third parties isn’t always second nature. This handy graphic reminds employees when to ask questions and when to escalate their concerns.

  • Do you know your third parties? - horizontal

    Do you know your third parties? - horizontal

    When managing third party relationships, clarity is key. This on-point graphic serves as a simple reminder of what things your employees need to be aware of to make sure everyone is on the same page.

  • Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • You are responsible for who you engage - horizontal

    You are responsible for who you engage - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • You are responsible for what you know - horizontal

    You are responsible for what you know - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    You are responsible for what you approve - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic Code of Conduct Obligations infographic for a...

  • How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    Make interacting with HCPs easier for your employees by laying out what they can and can’t do in a simple—yet powerful—chart. If your G&E policy can’t be distilled into a chart, it’s too complicated. We’ve done...

  • This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    This is business travel—this is a holiday - horizontal

    Business trips with partners can get complicated quickly, particularly when government officials are involved. Keep your employees alert when they're planning.

  • If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    If a government official feels like it's a holiday... - horizontal

    A handy reminder that travel with a government official can cross the line into bribery.

  • We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.

  • We pay for travel to/from our sites - horizontal

    We pay for travel to/from our sites - horizontal

    Make it super easy for your employees to remember what business travel is, and isn't.

  • Ramadan: We practice hospitality (grey dallah version)

    Ramadan: We practice hospitality (grey dallah version)

    Remind your people they should give gifts during this time of year wisely, not extravagantly.

  • Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out what can be expensed with without approval, what needs...

  • Business Gratuities: What Can You Give/Receive?

    Business Gratuities: What Can You Give/Receive?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for simpler policies. We made the gift-giving and -receiving process simple by breaking out what can be exchanged, what documentation or approval is needed, and...

  • Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Empower employees to spot human trafficking red flags with this powerful infographic. You’ve got every reason to want to avoid human trafficking in your supply chain, so we give your team a heads-up on what to look for. This infographic focuses...

  • Is this person a government official?

    Is this person a government official?

    Use this awesome, in-depth flow chart to show your folks how to ID government officials. Just because someone doesn’t have the title of “senator” or “His Excellency” doesn’t mean they’re not a government...

  • Managing a Joint Venture Partner?

    Managing a Joint Venture Partner?

    Help your team know how to navigate day-to-day JV issues with this handy guide that hits all the key areas of corruption, trade compliance, conflicts, confidentiality and more—all so your team doesn’t have to do it from memory. It’s...

  • Are you prepared to present?

    Are you prepared to present?

    Empower your sales staff with this helpful checklist before they meet with prospective customers. Meeting sales prospects in person is critical for a lot of businesses and helps foster relationships, but your sales force needs to be prepared for a...
