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Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations
Investigations are a normal part of business, but can be stressful for some employees. Keep everyone cool as a cucumber with this video, which outlines the top five things to remember when they’re...
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Module: Annual Refresher Course
Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going...
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Our labor standards
You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too. This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity...
Petty cash training module for managers
Empower your managers to identify and stop petty cash abuses. This visual guide syncs up with our petty cash checklist. Each page expands on one of the 20 checklist items with space to list visualized examples of what’s OK—and what...
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Travel & expenses training module for managers
This simple visual guide shows your management team how to quickly identify any impermissible expenses prior to approving payment. This visual guide syncs up with our deep-dive travel and expense checklist. Each page expands on one of the 24 checklist...
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Travel & expense red flags checklist
Stop fraud and corruption risks in their tracks with this thorough checklist for reviewing T&E reports. Help your managers externalize their memory of procedures and red flags with this piece—they can focus on the harder questions when they...
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Petty cash red flags checklist
Give your managers and finance team a roadmap of proper petty cash procedures. Small amounts of money can create huge problems, but it’s still natural to be tempted to ignore something literally called “petty.” This piece gets your...
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Got a funny feeling about fraud?
Help your employees sniff out that funky fraud smell with this highly visual piece setting out red flags. Your team needs to feel empowered to use the “f” word—fraud. This guide provides solid examples of behaviors that just...
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More money, more problems.
A fun graphic to keep your front-line people reporting large transactions.
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Watch out for layering!
Use these strong graphics to explain to your team that complicated-looking transactions might be fishy, not sophisticated.
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AML Red Flags: The Customer
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a customer suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Payment
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make payments suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Request
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make a request suspicious.
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AML Red Flags: The Transaction
Quickly break down money laundering red flags that make the transaction suspicious.
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High frequency is high-risk
An easy-to-grasp graphic to encourage your employees to speak up when they suspect transactions are too high frequency to be legit.
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Expense approval checklist
Give your team an easy-to-understand checklist for walking through the major issues when approving expense reports. Proper approval of expenses requires thoughtful reflection about what, exactly, your organization is paying for—something not...
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Petty Cash is Not for Individuals
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for individuals.
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Petty Cash is Not for Import/Export or Handling Fees
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for handling fees.
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Petty Cash is Not for Aiding Government Action
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for aiding government action.
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Petty Cash is Not for Bonuses
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for bonuses.
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Working with a charity?
Avoid risky donations—and the resulting effect on your company’s reputation—with this straightforward checklist of compliant charitable donations. This piece helps your employees think through the donations they’re considering...
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Is your third party expensing something unusual?
Make spotting red flags involving third-party expenses super easy with this highly visual infographic. This piece includes both obvious red flags like jewelry and art as well as some less-obvious things like water bills and high discounts.
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Do Your Part to Stop Money Laundering
Enable your team with this graphic piece to not only identify money laundering, but know what to do when they see the red flags. Fighting money laundering isn’t simply the job of prosecutors and cops, but every employee’s responsibility...
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Know the Red Flags of Money Laundering
This simple infographic shows your employees the common indicators of money laundering in the context of your employees’ day-to-day work. By bucketing these common red flags into four categories, your employees can more easily process and apply...
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Watch out for structuring!
This easy-to-understand piece helps your people recognize that shady folks often break apart one transaction into numerous ones to avoid being flagged for money laundering.
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Only you can stop money laundering
This creative graphic reminds your team they're the boots-on-the-ground for sniffing out dirty money.
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If you approve it, you own it
Your employees are grown-ups, but sometimes they need reminders that they're accountable for anything they approve.