
  • Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Give your employees the gift of appropriate gift-giving knowledge with this short, targeted training video. In roughly two minutes, your folks will know exactly which gifts are OK to give to a government official, and which ones are completely off-limits...

  • Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Take the confusion out of escalating concerns with this short, targeted training video. In less than two minutes, brief your managers and HR on the key indicators for when an issue should be raised to Compliance. From illegal activity to harmful...

  • Writing for Compliance

    Writing for Compliance

    Writing that motivates others to act and follow standards is a talent that doesn’t come naturally to many of us. After years of academic and professional pressure, we default to using fancy schmancy words and over-explaining things—cluttering...

  • Invoice training module for managers

    Invoice training module for managers

    This visual guide gets your management team ready to identify problems in the invoice-approval process to avoid waste and corruption. This piece syncs up with our deep-dive invoice red flag checklist. Each page expands on each of the 20 checklist items...

  • Petty cash training module for managers

    Petty cash training module for managers

    Empower your managers to identify and stop petty cash abuses. This visual guide syncs up with our petty cash checklist. Each page expands on one of the 20 checklist items with space to list visualized examples of what’s OK—and what...

  • Travel & expenses training module for managers

    Travel & expenses training module for managers

    This simple visual guide shows your management team how to quickly identify any impermissible expenses prior to approving payment. This visual guide syncs up with our deep-dive travel and expense checklist. Each page expands on one of the 24 checklist...

  • Fraud control (mini-module)

    Fraud control (mini-module)

    Use this handy mini-module to make it easy for your finance team to spot red flags in invoices by showing them what they actually look like—they'll love you for it! By request, we’ve taken our popular invoice-review piece and optimized it...
