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Video: It takes all of us to stop human trafficking
In this short (around 90 seconds), targeted training video, employees will learn how to identify the red flags of human trafficking when working with other companies. First we’ll explain what to...
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4 ways bad guys get your password
This is an effective, practical instructor for your employees to keep their passwords—and your company's data—private. We list out the most popular means the crooks use to hack your team’s...
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Respecting Others’ IP
Don’t bore your team with the complexities of intellectual property (IP). Instead, use this delightfully concise infographic to explain it all in simple terms without overwhelming. Whether folks are...
Employees Who Use Computers
Legal hold in effect
It's bold, it's clear, it feels like this should be the hook of a catchy song. Remind your employees not to delete anything when there's a legal hold in place.
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Stop deleting stuffÑLegal Hold in Effect
Legal holds are forgettable to your employees, but critical to your business. This handy reminder puts them back on your team's radar.
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Check the document retention schedule
People forget that—even if they're finished with a document—your document-retention policy prohibits destroying it. Remind them that your company's policy gives them a handy schedule.
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Done with it? Shred it!
Shredding isn't hard—we just forget to do it. Help your employees remember with this super-graphic visual.
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Keep it confidential!
This bold, multi-use graphic simplifies your folks' obligations: keep things private.
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Laptop get swiped? Report it!
Make sure your folks know that when their tech is stolen, call the company—now.
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Don't get fooled by email scammers
Successful spear phishing sounds cool, but is one of your cybersecurity team's worst nightmares. Educate your team on the biggest red flags. Using a criminal graphic to grab their attention, this tool vividly highlights the not-always-obvious signs of...
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Privacy screens—use them!
Privacy screens are vital to prevent data breaches, even if they're a little annoying. (On the upside, you can watch your favorite horror movie on the plane without terrifying the toddler next to you.)
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Going on a trip? Protect your data!
Show your folks these simple, but vital, rules for keeping company and personal info from being stolen while traveling. It’s not always intuitive that travel creates risk—people lose stuff, they get their computer stolen, hackers target...
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We don't conduct business on personal emails
Make sure your team is alert for when people try to take business on to their personal emails—it may be a scam.
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Know where that link will take you
Remind your employees to do this simple fraud step before opening a web page.
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Protect your data; look at the extension!
Make sure your team knows fraudsters make tiny tweaks to safe URLS—and how to spot them.
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Watch out for scammers: Double-check the domain!
Make sure your team knows fraudsters often use fake domains—and how to spot them.
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Don't get fooled, know the sender!
A helpful reminder of some of the biggest red flags in email scams.
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Get asked to click on a link?
Spelling is hard! But also potentially a sign of fraud. This simple reminder puts sketchy web addresses on your folks' radar.