Featured Products
You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do.
This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like...
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Anticorruption module (We play fair)
Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the...
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Ethics: Our Anchor
This tattoo-themed artwork reminds your folks that ethics are what keep you safe in troubled waters.
Template: Visual Legal Hold
Help employees easily understand their obligations when lawsuits happen. When litigation lands, it’s critical that employees know how to navigate a legal hold. Why, then, are so many of them basically unreadable mountains of legalese? Use this...
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Protect your password
A helpful reminder to be smart with passwords to protect company info.
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Mark it, protect it
Making sure confidential documents stay private requires some basics. This graphic guide helps your employees keep your info from accidentally getting disclosed by promoting uniformity in marking documents confidential—making it easier to recognize...
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Shhh! Keep it confidential
An easy, breezy reminder for your employees to keep your company's confidential info to themselves.
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Lock it down
This simple graphic shows your folks three easy-but-necessary ways to protect your stuff from intruders.
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Anatomy of a strong password
Spot the reference to Will Smith in this visual guide for creating safe, strong, and easily remembered passwords. Everyone hates generating a super complicated password, getting a snippy email from IT that they’re overdue to change it, forgetting...
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Recycle paper, not passwords
Recycling may be great for the environment, but it's terrible for cybersecurity! Remind your team of the need to protect your data with unique passwords.
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Confidential? Here's how to handle it
Use this effortless graphic to remind your team how to keep your company's confidential info safe.
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Information been stolen? Report it!
Use this straightforward piece to remind your employees that they shouldn't hide when something goes missing, but should raise their hand immediately.
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Check the marking
Marks are there for a reason; this super-graphic piece reminds your employees to heed them.
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4 ways bad guys get your password
This is an effective, practical instructor for your employees to keep their passwords—and your company's data—private. We list out the most popular means the crooks use to hack your team’s passwords using fun graphics that help...
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If someone asks for your password, report it!
Prepare your team to be smarter than the scammers by reminding them to never give their passwords over the phone.
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Mix it up: password guidance
Want a smoothie? Well, here's a smooth (ay!) way to remember to set up complex passwords.
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No re-using passwords
Folks hate tough passwords, much less changing them, but ya gotta. This reminds your team to avoid hacking by not reusing work passwords for personal accounts.
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This is not where your password belongs
Make sure your team knows their passwords are supposed to be secret—-not out where someone can find them, especially on their desks.
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Protect your password!
Give your folks these simple rules to lock down their passwords—and protect your info.
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Away from your computer?
Make sure your team always remembers: an open computer, left alone, is a privacy breach waiting to happen.
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Can you throw it away?
Use this elegant decision tree to help your people understand the ifs, whens, and hows of getting rid of documents. Keep versus shred may feel like second nature to your compliance and legal teams, but your other employees often need more guidance. This...
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Shred it! (blue version)
It's not hard, but it can be boring. Use this super-graphic piece to remind your team to shred confidential information—each and every time.
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Destroy It Securely
This simple graphic instructs your team that shredding—not the trash can—is how you get rid of docs securely.
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Shred it! (red shredder version)
This attention-getter connects protecting your confidential info with the simple command to shred.