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You've been asked to pay a bribe: Here's what to do.
This concise flowchart prepares your team for when someone offers them a bribe, including circumstances of when their safety is threatened. Don’t underestimate the need to train on issues like...
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Anticorruption module (We play fair)
Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the...
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Ethics: Our Anchor
This tattoo-themed artwork reminds your folks that ethics are what keep you safe in troubled waters.
Anticorruption for salespeople (mini-module)
This mini-module breaks down four A/C areas—government deals, managing third parties, gifts and entertainment, AND charitable contributions—in a way that isn’t sleep-inducing or over-the-top. It’s easy to digest, helping you meet...
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Handling personal data (mini-module)
Give your teams the clarity they need when it comes to handling and managing personal data. In eight brief slides, this deck gives employees an overview of how to identify personal data, then walks them through how to use it, handle it, store it...