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Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations
Investigations are a normal part of business, but can be stressful for some employees. Keep everyone cool as a cucumber with this video, which outlines the top five things to remember when they’re...
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Module: Annual Refresher Course
Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going...
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Our labor standards
You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too. This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity...
We've got your back!
This muscular piece is a great reminder that compliance is there to support the business for the greater good.
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Saying it online... - horizontal
Easily show your employees posting online is exactly like saying it in person—over and over again, forever.
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One post, no context
A quick, beautiful illustration that social media can ruin your employees' careers in one instant.
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Crack the Code of Conduct (open book version)
Incentivize your team to actually read and learn your Code with this creative piece.
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We do not tolerate bullying
This powerful piece makes clear once and for all: your company doesn't put up with bullying.
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If we didn't want to hear it...
You take ethics and compliance seriously, so remind your employees—with a little humor—you actually want them to come forward with any concerns.
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Our workplace is a safe place
This straightforward piece reminds employees they're not allowed to have weapons at work while assuring everyone you're committed to a no-violence environment.
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Love openly: disclosing romantic relationships
Workplace romances happen. This nonthreatening reminder tells your team that's fine, but you gotta let the relevant people know about it.
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Report workplace threats
Before the unthinkable happens, this simple, strong graphic ensures employees raise concerns about potential workplace violence.
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Worship freely
Spread the good word that religious leanings won't be considered when it comes to making business decisions.
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Report unattended information
Make sure each employee knows their responsibility to look out for sensitive info being left around—and if they find some, raise it to management.
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What is retaliation?
This helpful graphic gives full color to retaliation by both giving examples and explaining what to do about it. Retaliation is more than someone getting fired–this piece helps folks know it when they see it.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (calligraphy/minaret version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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Retaliation: Abusive behavior
This powerful graphic makes clear that verbally abusing a team member for raising compliance concerns is retaliation. And it's never allowed.
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We check ID
Empower your employees to look for unauthorized people in your business—-so they report it and protect your info, all without feeling too awkward.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (calligraphy/moon version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (calligraphy/lantern version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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You are protected
This simple graphic lets your team know they can raise a red flag without fear of reprisal.
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The right place
Assure your employees they can raise ethics or compliance concerns, even if they're not 100% sure they're right—they just need to be coming from the right place.
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What does "in good faith" mean?
Show your employees that a sincere belief that what you're saying is true is reason enough to come forward.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (minaret version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (lantern version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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Ramadan: Be a Light (moon version)
This Ramadan-themed piece inspires your people to speak up if they have ethics or compliance concerns.
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When should you raise a compliance issue?
This decision tree quickly helps employees determine the right time to raise concerns—and how to do it. You want your people to speak up, but they don’t want to bother the wrong person or feel like they’re whining. This aid walks...