
Use of Company Assets

  • Travel & expense red flags checklist

    Travel & expense red flags checklist

    Stop fraud and corruption risks in their tracks with this thorough checklist for reviewing T&E reports. Help your managers externalize their memory of procedures and red flags with this piece—they can focus on the harder questions when they...

  • Going on a business trip? (Overseas travel checklist)

    Going on a business trip? (Overseas travel checklist)

    This piece is famous for a reason! These simple to-do's prepare your international travelers how to be safe and ethical abroad, without getting mired in legal details. This checklist covers the trade control, cybersecurity, privacy, anticorruption,...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are crystal clear on the rules. This way, small adjustments can...
