
Third Parties

Power tools


  • Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Happy Cloud says conflicts aren't scary! Use this suite of slides to train your team on how to identify when they have a conflict—and recognizing that by disclosing it, you can manage it. This 15-slide deck focuses on the emotional part of...

  • Empower your managers to handle conflicts of interest in a way that leads to positive outcomes for your teams AND your company. 

In six brief slides, this deck gives managers the information they need to reassure employees that conflicts aren’t necessarily bad—but that not reporting them is—and helps managers encourage interest disclosure. 

Add this micromodule to the Annual Refresher Course or pair it with our Assessing Conflicts of Interest decision tree, and watch those COI reporting numbers climb.

    How to manage conflicts of interest (mini-module)

    Empower your managers to handle conflicts of interest in a way that leads to positive outcomes for your teams AND your company.  In six brief slides, this deck gives managers the information they need to reassure employees that conflicts...

  • Video: It takes all of us to stop human trafficking

    Video: It takes all of us to stop human trafficking

    In this short, targeted training video (1:23), employees will learn how to identify the red flags of human trafficking when working with other companies. First we’ll explain what to look for, like whether they are located in high-risk countries,...

  • Video: We play fair

    Video: We play fair

    In this short, targeted training video (0:46), employees will learn how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture. We’ll walk your employees through how they can do their part to run a clean business by highlighting every day,...

  • Video: Who’s a government official?

    Video: Who’s a government official?

    Walk your employees through the nuances of identifying a government official with this short, targeted training video (1:33). This video starts by explaining why it’s important to identify government officials, goes on to define who a government...

  • Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the signs of corruption with vibrant...

  • Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    Video: Watch out for red flags from third parties

    In this short, targeted training video (1:45), employees will learn what to watch out for when working with third parties. We’ll explain the five main scenarios that are most likely to cultivate red flags, like working with government officials or...

  • Video: If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    Video: If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    This targeted training video (1:14) provides a thorough, but quick overview of what conflicts are, how they often stem from good things, and why it’s important to disclose them (even if they don’t think there’s an issue).  Use it...

  • Invoice training module for managers

    Invoice training module for managers

    This visual guide gets your management team ready to identify problems in the invoice-approval process to avoid waste and corruption. This piece syncs up with our deep-dive invoice red flag checklist. Each page expands on each of the 20 checklist items...

  • Third Party module

    Third Party module

    You just spent $200,000 on a third-party onboarding solution ... which will be worth zero if your business refuses to use it. Stick the landing with this live training deck that helps you manage business expectations. This 14-slide deck walks your...

  • Fraud control (mini-module)

    Fraud control (mini-module)

    Use this handy mini-module to make it easy for your finance team to spot red flags in invoices by showing them what they actually look like—they'll love you for it! By request, we’ve taken our popular invoice-review piece and optimized it...

  • Travel & expenses training module for managers

    Travel & expenses training module for managers

    This simple visual guide shows your management team how to quickly identify any impermissible expenses prior to approving payment. This visual guide syncs up with our deep-dive travel and expense checklist. Each page expands on one of the 24 checklist...
