

Senior Leadership Team

  • Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    You nailed your speak-up campaign. Now it's time to build on that foundation and give your managers the perfect listen-up tool to handle those delicate intake conversations. Since it’s likely that employees will go to their supervisor with...

  • This checklist simplifies the investigation report drafting process and guides your investigators through everything they need to include—from initial timelines to root causes.

    Writing a good investigation report

    After all the effort that goes into a quality workplace investigation, writing a report that’s both concise and comprehensive can seem exhausting. But you need to memorialize that effort and it’s not something you can afford to get wrong...

  • What to do when an employee raises a concern

    What to do when an employee raises a concern

    So, your employees feel comfortable raising concerns to management.  Good! Your speak-up culture is on the right track for success. But wait, have you trained your managers on how to handle these delicate conversations? Prime your managers with the...

  • Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Video: When to escalate concerns to compliance

    Take the confusion out of escalating concerns with this short, targeted training video (1:30). In less than two minutes, brief your managers and HR on the key indicators for when an issue should be raised to Compliance. From illegal activity to harmful...

  • Template: Speak Up Snapshot

    Template: Speak Up Snapshot

    Reports: They weren’t fun in elementary school, and they’re not fun now. If only you had something to do the work for you… like this dynamic template! Impress your colleagues, stakeholders, and even the Board with Broadcat’s...

  • When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    When managers should escalate concerns to Compliance

    We love it when leadership takes ownership of compliance, but what happens when they try to handle big-deal issues all on their own? Don’t leave ‘em in the dark wondering when they should loop you in. With this guide, they’ll know...
