
Conflicts of Interest

  • Annual Refresher Course & Code Obligations Job Aid

    Annual Refresher Course & Code Obligations Job Aid

    Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going for you, which is nice. The ideal annual refresher...

  • Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Happy Cloud says conflicts aren't scary! Use this suite of slides to train your team on how to identify when they have a conflict—and recognizing that by disclosing it, you can manage it. This 15-slide deck focuses on the emotional part of...

  • Module: Annual Refresher Course

    Module: Annual Refresher Course

    Still stuck doing annual check-the-box training? Gross, and sorry. But hey, at least this 31-slide kit will make it 10 minutes long and actually relevant to every employee. So, you've got that going for you, which is nice. The ideal annual refresher...

  • Hiring red flags module

    Hiring red flags module

    Get your team aware of the compliance pitfalls in the hiring process. It’s not always clear when a potential hire can be bad news. Does your HR team know how to spot conflicts of interest? Or to sniff out when a position is being used to secure new...

  • Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this module has 15 slides loaded with detailed...
