
Hotline and Program Basics

  • Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of Interest

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • Received an Employee Concern?

    Received an Employee Concern?

    This elegant guide shows exactly where to go within the company when issues pop up: HR, compliance, or both. A lot of really smart managers and employees don’t know the difference between HR and compliance—the two teams’...

  • How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    Imagine a world where employees are empowered and skilled at working out their ethics and compliance concerns themselves—before tensions escalate and managers, HR, and/or your helpline investigators have to step in...[insert clouds parting and...
