
Competitive Information

Sales Team

  • If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    Everyone thinks they can manage their own conflicts. Use this graphic piece to help your team identify and disclose all conflicts, all while reducing the stigma of doing so. One of employees’ core misunderstandings about conflicts of interests is...

  • Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of Interest

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • Going to a conference or industry event?

    Going to a conference or industry event?

    Stumbling into antitrust issues isn't fun at all, especially at conferences or trade shows. Get your team ready for how to handle those situations with this graphic reference that reduces the complexity of antitrust obligations into a simple flow of what...

  • Insider Trading Basics

    Insider Trading Basics

    Gordon Gekko may think that greed is good, but your company doesn't when it comes to insider trading. Educate your employees on the basics with this graphic piece. Aimed at a general audience, this piece lays out three common categories of material...

  • Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential conflicts. This piece uses simple icons to explain when...

  • Video: Attending a conference?

    Video: Attending a conference?

    Prepare your employees to avoid the risks associated with attending external events using this short, targeted training video (1:20). In 80 seconds, your folks will know which conversation topics are off-limits, how to trust their gut when it comes to...

  • We never discuss price - horizontal

    We never discuss price - horizontal

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk price with the other guys.

  • Who's looking at your profile?

    Who's looking at your profile?

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • Three simple questions guide your employees through whether it’s OK to share info freely or they need an NDA before spilling the company beans.

    Do you need to get an NDA signed?

    Ever wonder if something you're about to share needs to be kept hush-hush? This handy guide is here to help! Think of it like a three-question quiz: answer yes or no, and it'll tell you if a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is needed before anyone spills...

  • We never discuss territory - horizontal

    We never discuss territory - horizontal

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk territory with the other guys.

  • We never discuss making agreements - horizontal

    We never discuss making agreements - horizontal

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk making agreements with the other guys.

  • We never discuss making agreements

    We never discuss making agreements

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk making agreements with the other guys.

  • No fishing for competitive info - horizontal

    No fishing for competitive info - horizontal

    A concise reminder to your sales and marketing teams that trying to obtain knowledge about competitors is off-limits.

  • We never discuss territory

    We never discuss territory

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk territory with the other guys.

  • We never discuss price

    We never discuss price

    Eliminate a confusing antitrust area for your sales and business development crew: you simply can't talk price with the other guys.

  • No fishing for competitive info

    No fishing for competitive info

    A concise reminder to your sales and marketing teams that trying to obtain knowledge about competitors is off-limits.

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by explaining exactly what civility and respect look like when...

  • Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Who's looking at your profile? - horizontal

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Outside job

    Conflicts of Interest: Outside job

    Some on your team have outside employment. Make sure they know to tell you about it with this easy aid.
