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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    Imagine a world where employees are empowered and skilled at working out their ethics and compliance concerns themselves—before tensions escalate and managers, HR, and/or your helpline...

  • Do our policies prohibit it?

    Do our policies prohibit it?

    “Do the right thing” is simple advice but harder in practice. What does it all mean!? Use this high-impact graphic to create ethical awareness and remind folks of available resources...

  • Video: We play fair

    Video: We play fair

    In this short, targeted training video (0:46), employees will learn how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture. We’ll walk your employees through how they can do their part to...

  • Broadcat Icon System: Speaking Up and Characteristics Pack

    Broadcat Icon System: Speaking Up and Characteristics Pack

    Employees don’t always speak up when they learn about things that don’t align with your company values, so use these icons to encourage them to do the right thing. This icon pack helps...

  • Broadcat Icon System

    Broadcat Icon System

    With this tool, you go from “licensing content” to “using a design system.” That's because we created a drag-and-drop visual dictionary to help you bridge the gap between our...

  • Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Disclosure protects our reputation - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic...

  • Your post may self-destruct, but copies last forever - horizontal

    Your post may self-destruct, but copies last forever - horizontal

    Just because a post is "self-destructing" doesn't mean they can't be shared by others. Remind your folks to be mindful of what they share, even if they think it won't live on.

  • We've got your back! - horizontal

    We've got your back! - horizontal

    This muscular piece is a great reminder that compliance is there to support the business for the greater good.

  • Speak Up: Make your voice heard - horizontal

    Speak Up: Make your voice heard - horizontal

    Encourage employees to speak out when something makes them uncomfortable.

  • Get asked to click on a link? (job aid)

    Get asked to click on a link? (job aid)

    Scammers are complicated, but spotting when they're spoofing web domains doesn't have to be. Use this helpful piece to teach your team the basics of avoiding fraudulent payments, misplaced...

  • Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out...

  • Finalizing, Submitting, or Storing Company Records?

    Finalizing, Submitting, or Storing Company Records?

    This simple checklist helps employees keep good records without getting bogged down with trying to remember what to do. It’s easy to forget how vital recordkeeping is, but sometimes the mere...

  • Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?

    Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?

    You’ve been asked it; this chart explains it. Set out for your employees the different roles and responsibilities of legal and compliance. Your compliance allies aren’t just in...

  • Compliance Project Planning Toolkit

    Compliance Project Planning Toolkit

    Spinning your wheels is only fun if you're drag racing in an IROC Camaro. Keep your projects tight, focused, and measurable with this brutal strategy kit. Never let a project wither and die...

  • Can they accept it?

    Can they accept it?

    Counterparties have policies, too! This handy guide walks your employees through the process of determining what gifts are permissible—before they're given. So much of compliance focuses your...

  • Chinese New Year: Give Wisely

    Chinese New Year: Give Wisely

    Remind your China-based team of the basics of business gifts during their peak season of giving with this New Year graphic.

  • Model Code of Conduct Training Module

    Model Code of Conduct Training Module

    This simple guide will help your employees navigate your company's Code of Conduct. A very short, very simple framing of your Code of Conduct that covers what it is, where to find it, and when to...

  • If you approve it, you own it

    If you approve it, you own it

    Your employees are grown-ups, but sometimes they need reminders that they're accountable for anything they approve.

  • Want to collect customer data?

    Want to collect customer data?

    A handy infographic based on FTC guidance, this walks your teams through the main issues involved in collecting and using customer data. Rather than give hard-and-fast rules, this piece asks critical...

  • Just because it's for a good cause... (heart version)

    Just because it's for a good cause... (heart version)

    Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.

  • Hiring a new service provider?

    Hiring a new service provider?

    Quickly educate your team on how to avoid potential bribery when hiring outside providers who will be interacting with the government with this graphic piece. Statistically, if something's going to...

  • Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and Hospitality: What's OK?

    Gifts and hospitality are a normal part of business, but they can also look like bribes to an outsider. Avoid this and other gift-related pitfalls by circulating this comprehensive gift guide. It...

  • Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations.

From “my job will be negatively impacted,” to “someone else will report this,” and “it’s probably not a problem” (plus four more!), these myths are paired with the reassuring truth to give your folks the confidence they need when considering reporting.  

Include this video on your company’s intranet or helpline page, link to it in your email signature, or embed it in your Code to spread the word. For extreme effectiveness, combine it with our Hotline: Anonymous vs. Confidential or What happens to my helpline report? job aids.

    Video: 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations...

  • Video: Why should I care about compliance?

    Video: Why should I care about compliance?

    In this short, targeted training video (1:30), employees will learn why compliance matters—not just to the organization—but to them specifically. We’ll explain how compliance...
