Encourage employees to speak out when something makes them uncomfortable.
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Ultra-graphic materials to nudge your employees on the right behavior
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Encourage employees to speak out when something makes them uncomfortable.
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The helpline isn’t a black box. Use this quick-hit graphic to show your employees what to expect before they make the call. Need to go into more detail? Check out "What happens when I contact...
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The hotline poster goes 21st century! Print a poster or display it on any digital screen where you want to drive hotline awareness.
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Assure your employees they can raise ethics or compliance concerns, even if they're not 100% sure they're right—they just need to be coming from the right place.
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You take ethics and compliance seriously, so remind your employees—with a little humor—you actually want them to come forward with any concerns.
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Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally
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Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic...
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What could be more simple? Help with compliance is only a phone call away.
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The hotline poster goes 21st century! Use it as a poster or use this graphic any digital screen where you want to drive hotline awareness.
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Inspire your employees to have a voice when they see something wonky.
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Spread the word that your company's ethics, legal, and compliance teams are ready and willing to help.
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Is it a friendly, ethical ghost or scary, sketchy one? This Halloween-themed piece encourages your team to speak up if they see something.
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Does your team know they can raise red flags? Let them know.