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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Bonus Illustrations: Hospitality and Donations Pack

    Bonus Illustrations: Hospitality and Donations Pack

    This set of illustrations is perfect for fine-tuning your Broadcat pieces to precisely match your G&E policies—or jazz up homemade job aids, presentations, posters, and other training or...

  • Bonus Illustrations: Anticorruption Pack

    Bonus Illustrations: Anticorruption Pack

    This set of illustrations is perfect for fine-tuning your Broadcat pieces to precisely match your G&E policies—or jazz up homemade job aids, presentations, posters, and other training or...

  • Broadcat Icon System: Entities and Information Pack

    Broadcat Icon System: Entities and Information Pack

    Need a way to represent different entities—like a government organization or healthcare facility—or describe how to handle confidential information or IP? You're in luck!  With this...

  • Social Media Module

    Social Media Module

    Help your folks avoid saying dumb stuff on social media without sounding like everyone’s Aunt Irene. This simple, friendly visual guide pairs well with our social media checklist and any IPA...

  • Overseas Travel Module

    Overseas Travel Module

    Behold: a simple, immersive way to give your employees detailed guidance on overseas travel risk. It's set up to tie to other parts of your program and pairs well with our travel checklist and a nice...

  • Conference Room kit

    Conference Room kit

    Gary knows he's supposed to wipe down the whiteboard before kicking on a video call, but he got worked up talking about his Game of Thrones fanfic that he forgot...and now your engineering data's...

  • Ethics: Our Anchor

    Ethics: Our Anchor

    This tattoo-themed artwork reminds your folks that ethics are what keep you safe in troubled waters.

  • How-to Guide: Measuring Policy Usability

    How-to Guide: Measuring Policy Usability

    Make sure your company's policies are actually understandable with this simple tool. Knowing is a policy is usable is more than just running a grade-level check in Microsoft Word—it’s...

  • Template: Hotline Awareness Game

    Template: Hotline Awareness Game

    Get employees familiar with your hotline through this simple office contest. We provide step-by-step instructions and emails for running a giveaway contest—which your employees will enter by...

  • Harassment: If It Looks / Sounds Like

    Harassment: If It Looks / Sounds Like

    We've all been there: just when you think anti-harassment stuff is obvious, you're painfully reminded that for a lot of folks it isn't. So help make it blindingly clear with this ultra-simple kit...

  • Third Party module

    Third Party module

    You just spent $200,000 on a third-party onboarding solution ... which will be worth zero if your business refuses to use it. Stick the landing with this live training deck that helps you manage...

  • Hiring red flags module

    Hiring red flags module

    Get your team aware of the compliance pitfalls in the hiring process. It’s not always clear when a potential hire can be bad news. Does your HR team know how to spot conflicts of interest? Or...

  • Fraud control (mini-module)

    Fraud control (mini-module)

    Use this handy mini-module to make it easy for your finance team to spot red flags in invoices by showing them what they actually look like—they'll love you for it! By request, we’ve...

  • This toolkit is packed with useful tips and templates to make planning, executing, and documenting routine helpline testing easy peasy.

    Helpline Testing Toolkit

    If your helpline isn’t effective, your compliance program isn’t either. That’s why we created this free toolkit for our savvy fans. It’s packed full of useful tips and...

  • Quickly train your third parties on your org’s core values and expectations with this thorough and straightforward module.

    Third Party Code of Conduct Training

    Your third parties—like vendors, consultants, suppliers, and business partners—are essentially an extension of your org, so they need to know and uphold your standards. Share this...

  • Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations

    Video: Cooperating with Internal Investigations

    Investigations are a normal part of business, but can be stressful for some employees. Keep everyone cool as a cucumber with this video, which outlines the top five things to remember when...

  • Equip your teams with the strategic soft skills they need to engage in tough conversations with this short contrasting-examples video (2:15).

    Video: How to speak up and handle tough conversations

    Tough conversations are inevitable! But you know what shouldn’t be? Handling them poorly. Equip your teams with the soft skills they need to engage in tough conversations with this short video...

  • Equip your teams with the strategic soft skills they need to engage in tough conversations with this short contrasting-examples video (2:15).

    Video: Careful Communications

    Give your teams clear guidance on the do’s and don’ts of virtual communications with this short video (2:15). In less than 3 minutes, this video breaks down the top five things to...

  • Awareness campaign: AI chatbots

    Awareness campaign: AI chatbots

    Let’s be real: Your employees are already using generative AI and chatbots to boost their work.  Before they slip up and accidentally share sensitive information or breach IP protections,...

  • Values Check

    Values Check

    Your employees know what your org’s values are—but it’s not always obvious how to practically apply them to their day-to-day decisions. That’s why we created this at-a-glance,...

  • Video: When should I contact the Privacy team?

    Video: When should I contact the Privacy team?

    Do the folks at your org ever feel like what the Privacy Team needs to know is kept too… private? Get the word out about exactly when to contact them with this short (1:26) video.  In...

  • Your employees need to collect personal data—but what they need to think through beforehand isn’t always clear. 

This video (2:14) tells your employees the 5 W’s and sometimes H of collecting personal data, why you need to have a clear business purpose, and how to handle it once they collect it.

Your employees will be happy to know exactly what to do, and you'll be glad they’re prepared.

    Video: Want to collect customer data?

    Your employees need to collect personal data—but what they need to think through beforehand isn’t always clear.  This video (1:57) tells your employees the 5 W’s and sometimes...

  • Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Video: What can you give to a government official?

    Give your employees the gift of appropriate gift-giving knowledge with this short, targeted training video (1:42). In roughly two minutes, your folks will know exactly which gifts are OK to give to a...

  • Your managers are the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating and maintaining a culture of inclusion in your org. But, have you equipped them to make a real difference?

Give them practical advice they can implement immediately with this short, targeted training video (1:44). It covers the basics of how to create psychological safety on their team and make sure employees feel supported. 

Still looking for more pieces to your inclusion puzzle? Pair this video with our How a manager can create inclusion or our Creating a speak up culture job aids.

    Video: How a manager can create inclusion

    Your managers are the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating and maintaining a culture of inclusion in your org. But, have you equipped them to make a real difference? Give them...
