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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • What happens when you contact the helpline?

    What happens when you contact the helpline?

    The helpline isn’t a black box. Use this quick-hit graphic to show your employees what to expect before they make the call. Need to go into more detail? Check out "What happens when I contact...

  • How we treat each other around the office

    How we treat each other around the office

    If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone. And, that’s no surprise. Like college...

  • Video: Conflicts - Do any of these apply to you?

    Video: Conflicts - Do any of these apply to you?

    In this short, targeted training video (0:43), employees will learn when and where conflicts often arise and why disclosure is in their best interest.  We'll start by breaking down just what a...

  • Video: What does the ethics and compliance team do?

    Video: What does the ethics and compliance team do?

    In this short, targeted training video (0:56), employees will learn how the E&C team puts your organizational values into practice.  We'll cover the "why" of training and policies, your...

  • When Do You Need to Check Our Code of Conduct?

    When Do You Need to Check Our Code of Conduct?

    This elegant decision tree goes beyond obvious cases like “when you're not sure” to give expansive guidance on when to use your Code. In short, if your employee is doing something...

  • Compliance, ink

    Compliance, ink

    Show off your compliance pride (and share the compliance love!) with this tattoo-themed piece.

  • Are you being intimidated or discriminated against?

    Are you being intimidated or discriminated against?

    Employees (yours or your suppliers') who feel respected and supported by their employers are more productive and more likely to follow the rules (and speak up if something seems off). All the things...

  • When to Check the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    When to Check the Code of Conduct - horizontal

    Keep your Code of Conduct top-of-mind and aligned with everyday tasks with this graphic. Even better? It's part of an entire system: use it with our Annual Refresher Course and Basic...

  • Hotline Speak Up - horizontal

    Hotline Speak Up - horizontal

    The hotline poster goes 21st century! Print a poster or display it on any digital screen where you want to drive hotline awareness.

  • The right place

    The right place

    Assure your employees they can raise ethics or compliance concerns, even if they're not 100% sure they're right—they just need to be coming from the right place.

  • Compliance is an open book test

    Compliance is an open book test

    This call-to-action tells your team's compliance is not passive—if you don't know what to do, look it up!

  • Super Simple Helpline (Horizontal) line art version

    Super Simple Helpline (Horizontal) line art version

    Snail mail? Yup, people still use it. This phenomenally straightforward piece tells your employees exactly what they need to know for reporting concerns.

  • Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Being accountable and fixing mistakes yourself is great, but when it comes to privacy mishaps, there are situations where the Privacy Team needs to be looped in. This infographic explains the most...

  • When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    Living your values means ensuring data privacy throughout your org. You’ve written all the policies, operationalized training, and have a Chief Privacy Officer. But do your people know when to...

  • 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    The truth is employees hold misconceptions about your helpline that keep them from reporting. But you can bust those myths with this eye-catching infographic. It tackles seven common misbeliefs from...

  • Taking an active role in politics?

    Taking an active role in politics?

    Your employees will appreciate this clear guidance on how to participate in political activities without breaking the rules. While political debates are best left to awkward family...

  • Is it OK to do or say [blank] at work?

    Is it OK to do or say [blank] at work?

    Grandma knows what’s up. Help your team easily determine whether behavior is appropriate at the workplace with this colorful decision tree. Your workplace doesn’t have to be stuffy, but...

  • What happens when I contact the helpline?

    What happens when I contact the helpline?

    The hotline isn’t a black box. Take the mystery out of how the helpline process works with this easy explainer—you’ll show your people exactly how compliance reporting works,...

  • What does "in good faith" mean?

    What does "in good faith" mean?

    Show your employees that a sincere belief that what you're saying is true is reason enough to come forward.

  • When should you raise a compliance issue?

    When should you raise a compliance issue?

    This decision tree quickly helps employees determine the right time to raise concerns—and how to do it. You want your people to speak up, but they don’t want to bother the wrong...

  • Posting on politics?

    Posting on politics?

    Help your employees navigate the implications of politics and social media without infringing on their autonomy. Folks wanting to engage in political discussions online can create serious problems...

  • Video: Engaging in politics?

    Video: Engaging in politics?

    Show your teams how to engage in polite political speech with this illuminating video. In less than two minutes (1:25), it shares tips on having healthy discussions and empowers folks to switch...

  • Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations.

From “my job will be negatively impacted,” to “someone else will report this,” and “it’s probably not a problem” (plus four more!), these myths are paired with the reassuring truth to give your folks the confidence they need when considering reporting.  

Include this video on your company’s intranet or helpline page, link to it in your email signature, or embed it in your Code to spread the word. For extreme effectiveness, combine it with our Hotline: Anonymous vs. Confidential or What happens to my helpline report? job aids.

    Video: 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)

    Bust those myths about speaking up with this short, targeted training video (2:09), where 7 pesky misconceptions are addressed head-on with straightforward language and eye-catching illustrations...

  • Video: We do not tolerate retaliation

    Video: We do not tolerate retaliation

    Educate your teams on what all forms of retaliation look like, as well as the steps to take if they see or experience it. This short, targeted training video (1:28) will foster a speak-up culture at...
