
Trade Compliance

  • Sourcing a product?

    Sourcing a product?

    Sourcing products (or product components) from sanctioned or embargoed countries can be baaaad for business, so don’t roll the dice and assume your buyers will correctly remember which sources to avoid. Double down and give them this practical...

  • Commercial terms checklist

    Commercial terms checklist

    Deals are complicated. Help out your transactional team with this simple checklist of when to contact compliance during the deal process. This piece covers the front end: initial conversations between commercial teams. Which, incidentally, is when...

  • Contract terms checklist

    Contract terms checklist

    Want your transactional teams to think like compliance? Show them how with this thorough checklist for key terms required for every company contract. In the hurry to finish a deal, even the sharpest of transactional lawyers can miss important compliance...
