
Third Parties

Board of Directors

  • We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics

    We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics

    Help employees understand how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture with this overview infographic. Whether your anticorruption program is the pinnacle of best practices or just starting out, it’s critical that employees know how...

  • Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Conflicts, Plain & Simple

    Happy Cloud says conflicts aren't scary! Use this suite of slides to train your team on how to identify when they have a conflict—and recognizing that by disclosing it, you can manage it. This 15-slide deck focuses on the emotional part of...

  • Video: We play fair

    Video: We play fair

    In this short, targeted training video (0:46), employees will learn how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture. We’ll walk your employees through how they can do their part to run a clean business by highlighting every day,...

  • Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out what can be expensed with without approval, what needs...

  • Nope: We don't give bribes, we don't take bribes

    Nope: We don't give bribes, we don't take bribes

    Reinforce your anti-corruption policy with this clear and direct message.

  • Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Anticorruption module (We play fair)

    Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the signs of corruption with vibrant...

  • We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics (line art version)

    We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics (line art version)

    Help employees understand how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture with this overview infographic. Whether your anticorruption program is the pinnacle of best practices or just starting out, it’s critical that employees know how...

  • Conflicts of Interest: Owning or investing

    Conflicts of Interest: Owning or investing

    Conflicts aren't just about relationships, they also include investments. Ensure your folks know to disclose any financial connections that could impact your business.

  • We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    We pay business travel for businesspeople - horizontal

    What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Friends and Family

    Conflicts of Interest: Friends and Family

    Your employees have to disclose business with family and friends. Effortlessly remind them with this simple graphic.
