
Social Media

Ethics Ambassadors

  • Before you post (even privately) about work on social media

    Before you post (even privately) about work on social media

    Navigating social media gets more complicated by the day. This simple checklist helps your employees quickly assess whether to post about work. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for one of your employees to expose your company to reputation...

  • Taking an active role in politics?

    Taking an active role in politics?

    Your employees will appreciate this clear guidance on how to participate in political activities without breaking the rules. While political debates are best left to awkward family dinners—let’s face it—personal views are bound to come...

  • Video: Before You Post

    Video: Before You Post

    In this short, targeted training video (1:12), employees will learn how to steer clear of work-related hazards on social media. Like a trusty Driver’s Ed instructor, we’ll talk your employees through how to think proactively, so they...

  • Social Media Module

    Social Media Module

    Help your folks avoid saying dumb stuff on social media without sounding like everyone’s Aunt Irene. This simple, friendly visual guide pairs well with our social media checklist and any IPA that has a strong citrus note. This Guide gives each of...

  • Social Media for Sensitive Projects

    Social Media for Sensitive Projects

    Don’t let your employees give away secret information for free. This handy decision tree shows employees the potential pitfalls of social media use while working on highly confidential matters. Postings pics, tagging coworkers/vendors, checking...
