
Human Rights

  • Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Empower employees to spot human trafficking red flags with this powerful infographic. You’ve got every reason to want to avoid human trafficking in your supply chain, so we give your team a heads-up on what to look for. This infographic focuses...

  • Commercial terms checklist

    Commercial terms checklist

    Deals are complicated. Help out your transactional team with this simple checklist of when to contact compliance during the deal process. This piece covers the front end: initial conversations between commercial teams. Which, incidentally, is when...

  • Give your third-parties everything they need to align with your ethical and legal standards with this concise infographic.

    Third Parties Code of Conduct

    Your third-parties are essential to your success, especially when they’re acting on your behalf. Keep everyone on the same page and avoid any nasty surprises with this concise infographic.  Packed with practical guidance, it clearly outlines...

  • Our labor standards

    Our labor standards

    You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too.  This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees with dignity and respect—no one better be lurking...
