
Hotline and Program Basics

  • Help folks understand how the E&C Team impacts their day-to-day and why they are essential to our business with this infographic.

    What does the Ethics and Compliance team do?

    Next time you’re at a party and someone asks you what you do, hand them this! Okay, maybe don’t—that’s kinda weird, but you can use this inspiring infographic to to teach employees what the Ethics and Compliance team...

  • The 7 elements of a compliance program

    The 7 elements of a compliance program

    Based on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, this infographic sets out the seven elements to create and monitor an effective compliance culture—and helps you explain it to your board. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines aren’t known for being...

  • This snappy infographic summarizes all 91 pages of the OIG’s General Compliance Program Guidance.

    OIG's General Program Guidance [Editable Version]

    We took all 91 PAGES of the OIG’s General Compliance Program Guidance and condensed them into a snappy 1-minute read. This infographic covers the essentials in a single quick-reference sheet, hitting all the highlights to help ensure your program...
