

Awareness materials

All Employees

  • Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office.

Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us before keying in a password or checking if our work is visible in the background of our virtual meeting. These signs serve as friendly reminders to your folks that even the smallest actions play a role in keeping info secure.

    Awareness Campaign: Around the workplace

    Remind your employees who’s responsible for compliance at your org (hint: EVERYONE!) with these clever signs around the office. Sometimes we forget to do some of the simplest things as we go about our days, like observing who’s around us...

  • TMI? Let us know!

    TMI? Let us know!

    Make it clear that self-reporting isn’t just OK, it’s expected. When humans handle data, there’s room for human error, so if someone on your team uncovers data they don’t need—or shouldn’t have—empower them to...

  • Time travel can't fix privacy breaches

    Time travel can't fix privacy breaches

    Save your teams from creating a problem that their future selves can’t solve with this eye-catching visual. 

  • Only dolphins make breaches cool

    Only dolphins make breaches cool

    If you’re a dolphin, keep doing you, you majestic being! If you’re not a dolphin—and you don’t work with them—use this graphic to make your point: Avoid a data breach by contacting the Privacy Team whenever you have...

  • Make sure you have permission

    Make sure you have permission

    Get straight to the point with this graphic: If you don’t have permission—or don’t know if you have permission—contact the Privacy Team.

  • Don't fall into a breach!

    Don't fall into a breach!

    Don’t fall into a breach. It’s scary down there. Instead, use this awareness piece to inspire your teams to interact with data the right way.

  • What does the Privacy Team do?

    What does the Privacy Team do?

    You know exactly what the Privacy Team does, but it’s a bit fuzzy to many at your company. Use this graphic to boost awareness of the things they handle and who to contact with questions. Speaking of things that are fuzzy, it pairs nicely with a...

  • Check before you collect personal data

    Check before you collect personal data

    Collecting customer information is easy. Making sure your employees know if it’s legal might not be. This sleek awareness piece reminds your employees to make sure it’s OK before they collect or start using it for a project.
