
Handling Information

  • Assessing Conflicts of Interest

    Assessing Conflicts of Interest

    This helpful one-pager gives HR professionals an easy way to assess whether a business decision raises red flags due to a conflict of interest. This off-the-shelf version guides them through both relationships and financial interests that may create a...

  • Want to collect customer data?

    Want to collect customer data?

    A handy infographic based on FTC guidance, this walks your teams through the main issues involved in collecting and using customer data. Rather than give hard-and-fast rules, this piece asks critical questions about the use of customer...

  • Knowing what qualifies as a business record and needs to be maintained can be tricky. Unravel the mystery and avoid confusion with this infographic.

    What is a business record?

    Good records management keeps your business running smoothly, but knowing what qualifies as a business record and needs to be maintained can be tricky. Unravel the mystery and avoid confusion with this most excellent infographic.  It starts with...

  • Give your teams the clarity they need when it comes to handling and managing personal data. 

In eight brief slides, this deck gives employees an overview of how to identify personal data, then walks them through how to use it, handle it, store it and delete it.

Add this micromodule to theAnnual Refresher Course & Code Obligations Job Aid or pair with our Is this personal data? infographic, and deal with less data breaches and reports of misused data.

    Handling personal data (mini-module)

    Give your teams the clarity they need when it comes to handling and managing personal data.  In eight brief slides, this deck gives employees an overview of how to identify personal data, then walks them through how to use it, handle it, store it...

  • Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    Module: Personal Data & Privacy

    You don’t expect your employees to memorize everything about privacy and personal data, but that’s the message they’ll get if you dump a ton of regulation-focused material on them. Make it clear that they just need to know the...

  • Gathering information for a personal data request

    Gathering information for a personal data request

    Expeditious Ex·pe·di·tious | /ˌekspəˈdiSHəs/ Definition : to do something with speed and efficiency How to use expeditious in a sentence:  This checklist helps your employees expeditiously gather and prepare information for...

  • Received a request to transfer data?

    Received a request to transfer data?

    What counts as "personal data" to one person might not be to another, which can create major headaches. Use this decision tree to remedy your ills and ensure all your teams have a healthy dose of privacy know-how. In five simple steps, it guides them...

  • Can I use personal data for this purpose?

    Can I use personal data for this purpose?

    If COVID taught us one thing, it’s that we all like a good puzzle…occasionally. But when it comes to using personal data, there should be nothing puzzling about it. This decision tree helps your employees piece together when they CAN and...

  • Check before you collect personal data

    Check before you collect personal data

    Collecting customer information is easy. Making sure your employees know if it’s legal might not be. This sleek awareness piece reminds your employees to make sure it’s OK before they collect or start using it for a project.

  • Loose lips cause stock dips

    Loose lips cause stock dips

    Not everyone knows when sensitive business info gets out, but everyone knows when your stock plummets. This piece vividly illustrates the connection.

  • Who's looking at your profile?

    Who's looking at your profile?

    Folks don't realize how useful social media can be to your company's adversaries. This helpful graphic cautions them before they post online.

  • Three simple questions guide your employees through whether it’s OK to share info freely or they need an NDA before spilling the company beans.

    Do you need to get an NDA signed?

    Ever wonder if something you're about to share needs to be kept hush-hush? This handy guide is here to help! Think of it like a three-question quiz: answer yes or no, and it'll tell you if a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is needed before anyone spills...

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to...

  • What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this infographic maps out what’s OK to ask, what...

  • Do you really need it?

    Do you really need it?

    Being mindful of privacy issues before your team obtains info can prevent the problems in the first place.

  • Competitive Information: New Hire Screening

    Competitive Information: New Hire Screening

    Hiring someone from a competitor? You've got risks. This guide breaks down responsibilities and tasks to make sure everyone is coordinated—and it works as a record for due diligence, too! In the rush to hire someone, it’s easy to forget that...

  • Do you really need that data?

    Do you really need that data?

    Just because it's possible doesn't mean your team should do it. Urge them to be mindful in how (and why) they collect data.

  • Give your third-parties everything they need to align with your ethical and legal standards with this concise infographic.

    Third Parties Code of Conduct

    Your third-parties are essential to your success, especially when they’re acting on your behalf. Keep everyone on the same page and avoid any nasty surprises with this concise infographic.  Packed with practical guidance, it clearly outlines...

  • Quickly train your third parties on your org’s core values and expectations with this thorough and straightforward module.

    Third Party Code of Conduct Training

    Your third parties—like vendors, consultants, suppliers, and business partners—are essentially an extension of your org, so they need to know and uphold your standards. Share this practical module with them to make sure they get it. In about...

  • Hiring red flags (mini-module)

    Hiring red flags (mini-module)

    Get your team aware of the compliance pitfalls in the hiring process. It’s not always clear when a potential hire can be bad news. Does your HR team know how to spot conflicts of interest? Or to sniff out when a position is being used to secure new...

  • How to handle a personal data request

    How to handle a personal data request

    Charades is fun, but, when it comes to handling requests for personal data, the last thing you want is for employees to play guessing games. Remove the ambiguity with this nifty infographic. It reveals the types of data requests they might receive and...

  • Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting sensitive personal data?

    Collecting consumer data is risky business. Your company needs this information to run, but your people should only be collecting what they absolutely need, and tracking those reasons. But do they know this? This nifty infographic makes sure your people...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by explaining exactly what civility and respect look like when...

  • Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Module: What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this module has 15 slides loaded with detailed...
