

  • Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    You nailed your speak-up campaign. Now it's time to build on that foundation and give your managers the perfect listen-up tool to handle those delicate intake conversations. Since it’s likely that employees will go to their supervisor with...

  • Received an Employee Concern?

    Received an Employee Concern?

    This elegant guide shows exactly where to go within the company when issues pop up: HR, compliance, or both. A lot of really smart managers and employees don’t know the difference between HR and compliance—the two teams’...

  • What is retaliation?

    What is retaliation?

    This helpful graphic gives full color to retaliation by both giving examples and explaining what to do about it. Retaliation is more than someone getting fired–this piece helps folks know it when they see it.

  • Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Red Flags of Human Trafficking

    Empower employees to spot human trafficking red flags with this powerful infographic. You’ve got every reason to want to avoid human trafficking in your supply chain, so we give your team a heads-up on what to look for. This infographic focuses...

  • Creating a speak up culture

    Creating a speak up culture

    You can preach “speaking up” until you’re blue in the face, but if your managers aren’t echoing the message—or even worse, unintentionally discouraging it—it’s not going to make a difference. And that’s sad...

  • What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this infographic maps out what’s OK to ask, what...

  • In 3 questions, Empower your leaders to handle employment actions fairly, especially after an employee raises a concern.

    Avoiding (even the appearance) of retaliation

    Empower your leaders with the knowledge they need to handle employment actions fairly—especially after an employee raises a concern.  This guide sets the stage with scenarios that might need a little extra care, then covers three key...

  • Ensure discipline is fair and consistent no matter who’s involved or their role with this step-by-step guide.

    Fair and consistent discipline

    Inconsistent discipline throughout your org can leave employees feeling confused and frustrated, and may lead to legal troubles too. No bueno! Save the day by sharing this step-by-step guide with your people managers to ensure discipline is fair and...
