Broadcat waving

Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Giving and receiving feedback

    Giving and receiving feedback

    If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone.   And, that’s no surprise. People...

  • Giving and receiving feedback (manager version)

    Giving and receiving feedback (manager version)

    It’s not unusual to receive a Helpline report, only to find out after hours of investigation that it isn’t a true harassment or discrimination issue—it’s a general lack of...

  • What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    What can I ask a candidate during the hiring process?

    Hiring is exciting (finally, all hands on deck!) but if anyone on the team slips up and asks the wrong question during the interview process—stormy seas are ahead! Fear not matey, because this...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are...

  • What to know before an emergency situation

    What to know before an emergency situation

    When starting in a new location, there’s so much stuff competing for space in your brain that safety protocols don't always make the cut. Plus, instant recall is tough when you’re in...

  • Our labor standards

    Our labor standards

    You have high standards—labor standards, that is. And you want your suppliers to share these values too.  This infographic makes it clear that—when it comes to treating employees...

  • How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    Need to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity? Use these elegant job aids to help your team do it properly. Government instructions, amirite?! We’ve taken the government’s...

  • How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    Help your representatives navigate confusing government instructions for completing the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) with this straightforward job aid. We’ve simplified...

  • Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Use this graphic job aid to prevent your sales team from running afoul of CMS requirements when they review DWOs. Who knew reviewing DWOs were so complicated?! (Those in the medical field, obvs.)...

  • Referrals involving Medicare or Medicaid

    Referrals involving Medicare or Medicaid

    Use this decision tree to help your employees navigate the Stark Law’s requirements regarding referrals involving payment by Medicare or Medicaid. Covering the essentials of most day-to-day...

  • Exploring a potential partnership?

    Exploring a potential partnership?

    This easy checklist gets your business development folks ready to take on new partners the right way. While your deal team is busy working to close the deal on a new partnership, keep potential...

  • Are you prepared to present?

    Are you prepared to present?

    Empower your sales staff with this helpful checklist before they meet with prospective customers. Meeting sales prospects in person is critical for a lot of businesses and helps foster relationships,...

  • Before you send that shipment, make sure it won't come back

    Before you send that shipment, make sure it won't come back

    This checklist helps sales staff evaluate whether an order is legit—or potentially channel stuffing. The incentive to sell as much product as possible is great for your business … until...

  • Departing Employee checklists

    Departing Employee checklists

    Employees departing may be routine nowadays, and that's exactly why you need these checklists. Make sure you and your teams get what you need before the employee is out the door! We created two...

  • Petty cash red flags checklist

    Petty cash red flags checklist

    Give your managers and finance team a roadmap of proper petty cash procedures. Small amounts of money can create huge problems, but it’s still natural to be tempted to ignore something...

  • New Account Red Flags

    New Account Red Flags

    This checklist assists your on-the-ground folks as they determine whether new accounts are legit and viable. There’s no point in making a “sale” when it wasn’t real to begin...

  • Say no to kickbacks

    Say no to kickbacks

    Use this highly visual piece to help your employees recognize corrupt referrals—and what to do about it. Kickbacks come in different forms—suitcases full of cash are (mostly) stuff in...

  • We compete for talent

    We compete for talent

    Make sure your team knows "no-hire" agreements are illegal with this graphic reminder. Based on recent DOJ antitrust litigation, this piece explains that antitrust behavior extends beyond...

  • Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Going on a trip? Protect your data!

    Show your folks these simple, but vital, rules for keeping company and personal info from being stolen while traveling. It’s not always intuitive that travel creates risk—people lose...
