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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    If it's disclosed, it can be managed

    Everyone thinks they can manage their own conflicts. Use this graphic piece to help your team identify and disclose all conflicts, all while reducing the stigma of doing so. One of employees’...

  • We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics

    We Play Fair: Anticorruption Basics

    Help employees understand how your anticorruption processes fit into the big picture with this overview infographic. Whether your anticorruption program is the pinnacle of best practices or just...

  • Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    Has an employee come to you with a concern?

    You nailed your speak-up campaign. Now it's time to build on that foundation and give your managers the perfect listen-up tool to handle those delicate intake conversations. Since it’s likely...

  • Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of Interest

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential...

  • Going to a conference or industry event?

    Going to a conference or industry event?

    Stumbling into antitrust issues isn't fun at all, especially at conferences or trade shows. Get your team ready for how to handle those situations with this graphic reference that reduces the...

  • Tis Always the Season to Give Smart

    Tis Always the Season to Give Smart

    The holidays are a fantastic time ... for things that could look like a bribe. Use this graphic piece to remind your folks how to give the right way. You don’t have to be a downer around the...

  • Insider Trading Basics

    Insider Trading Basics

    Gordon Gekko may think that greed is good, but your company doesn't when it comes to insider trading. Educate your employees on the basics with this graphic piece. Aimed at a general audience, this...

  • What happens when I make a disclosure?

    What happens when I make a disclosure?

    Employees are hesitant to disclose their personal interests for a conflict review because they’re worried they’ll be in trouble, have to ditch their side gig, or who will see their...

  • Creating a speak up culture

    Creating a speak up culture

    You can preach “speaking up” until you’re blue in the face, but if your managers aren’t echoing the message—or even worse, unintentionally discouraging...

  • Give this, not that (never OK version)

    Give this, not that (never OK version)

    Use this highly visual guide to empower your team to easily identify what's an acceptable gift and what's never allowed. With examples drawn from the 2012 DOJ guidance, this version works for...

  • You might need an export license (ways to export version)

    You might need an export license (ways to export version)

    This graphic one-pager shows your team how to spot trade-compliance issues when sharing with non-citizens. Just because you’re not handing it to a courier doesn't mean it’s not an...

  • Give this, not that (pre-approval version)

    Give this, not that (pre-approval version)

    Use this highly visual guide to empower your team to easily identify what's an acceptable gift, what needs approval, and what's never allowed. With examples drawn from the 2012 DOJ guidance, this...

  • Would you trade on it?

    Would you trade on it?

    This graphic guide simplifies the types of information that should be protected to avoid insider trading. Without getting too far in the weeds of securities terminology (woof), this piece highlights...

  • Cost of non-compliance

    Cost of non-compliance

    Compliance failures can cost a lot! And we’re not just talking money. We’ve all heard horror stories about penalties, obligations (deferred prosecution agreements, yikes!), reputational...

  • Help folks understand how the E&C Team impacts their day-to-day and why they are essential to our business with this infographic.

    What does the Ethics and Compliance team do?

    Next time you’re at a party and someone asks you what you do, hand them this! Okay, maybe don’t—that’s kinda weird, but you can use this inspiring infographic to to teach...

  • Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Conflicts of Interest (line art version)

    Make sure your employees know what's a conflict of interest—and, just as important, what to do about it. It’s too easy for folks to just “go with their gut” about potential...

  • Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Business Courtesies: What Can You Do?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for more complex policies. We made your gifts, entertainment, and travel policy simple by breaking out...

  • Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?

    Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?

    You’ve been asked it; this chart explains it. Set out for your employees the different roles and responsibilities of legal and compliance. Your compliance allies aren’t just in...

  • If you’ve ever struggled to explain your job to someone, we feel you! The lines are often blurry when trying to distinguish between legal, compliance, HR, and internal audit. Which also means urgent info might take a few detours before arriving at the right destination (or get lost along the way!).

Demystify who does what with this handy chart, and look forward to receiving important info that actually belongs in your department, while spending a lot less time sending those “looping in so-and-so” emails. 

Looking for a pared-down version that works just as hard? Try the “Legal and Compliance: Who Does What?” infographic.

    Legal, Compliance, Audit, and HR: Who does what?

    If you’ve ever struggled to explain your job to someone, we feel you! The lines are often blurry when trying to distinguish between legal, compliance, HR, and internal audit. Which also means...

  • Leading a team after a major event?

    Leading a team after a major event?

    Business disruptions or other major events can be unsettling: routines are out the window and there’s a lot of change for everyone to process and manage all at once. Show your leaders how to...

  • Business Gratuities: What Can You Give/Receive?

    Business Gratuities: What Can You Give/Receive?

    Distill your gifts and entertainment policy into a handy chart—this one’s great for simpler policies. We made the gift-giving and -receiving process simple by breaking out what can be...

  • It doesn't need to go overseas to be an export

    It doesn't need to go overseas to be an export

    Easily educate your team on the basics of exports — and who can help if exports are involved.

  • You might need an export license (deemed exports version)

    You might need an export license (deemed exports version)

    This easy tool explains the completely non-intuitive concept of "deemed exports" in trade compliance. Focusing on deemed export elements that would surprise most employees, we’ve designed this...

  • Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law).
Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger or acquisition so they know what convos are off limits with folks from the other company—like pricing, contract terms, territories, product innovation, or any other strategic plans. That way, you’ll know they’re conducting business the right way and your integration won’t get disrupted by an honest, but illegal, mistake. 

For greater impact, follow this up with our before an integration job aid.

    What not to discuss during a merger

    Joining forces is exciting, but jumping the gun and prematurely sharing confidential information is not (because, you know, the law). Give this infographic to your employees at the onset of a merger...
