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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • Handling Personal Information?

    Handling Personal Information?

    This easy-to-use chart covers what counts as personal information—and how to think through managing it. Handling personal information—whether it’s your customers’ or your own...

  • We protect our data

    We protect our data

    Foster a culture of data security at your company with this infographic, which answers the “why” of data protection with four key points: it’s the law, it’s good business, our...

  • How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    How can I ethically interact with Healthcare Professionals?

    Make interacting with HCPs easier for your employees by laying out what they can and can’t do in a simple—yet powerful—chart. If your G&E policy can’t be distilled into a...

  • Received a request for funding?

    Received a request for funding?

    Anyone at your org might pick up the phone or receive an email asking for funding. Ensure they know exactly how to navigate those requests and avoid downstream issues with this job aid. Covering...

  • Partnering with HCPs

    Partnering with HCPs

    Do your Company reps ever pitch partnership opportunities with HCPs? That’s awesome! Partnerships are great for business … when they’re properly handled. Show your support with...

  • Suspect a privacy breach?

    Suspect a privacy breach?

    Awkward silence = cringe. Awkward silence with your coworkers = just plain terrible. Help your employees avoid long pauses and staring contests with this incredibly helpful infographic. It covers...

  • Handling health information?

    Handling health information?

    Health information flows through many hands while treating patients and processing payment for care. Use this chart to make sure your people — including Finance, InfoSec, and...

  • Communicating off-label use

    Communicating off-label use

    Your HCP-facing employees want to encourage use of your products while keeping between the lines. Says easy, does hard! Help them stay on the straight and narrow path with this tool that outlines...

  • This guide does the heavy lifting of defining HCPs, outlining what to document, and where to submit all this info (on time)!

    Providing something of value to an HCP?

    When providing payment or something of value to healthcare professionals, transparency is paramount. But to accomplish this, your teams need to gather and report accurate and complete information...

  • Getting ready to use health information?

    Getting ready to use health information?

    If you’re in a healthcare setting, you know protecting health information is of the utmost importance. But what’s more? Making sure folks know how to handle it properly. This helpful tool...

  • Reviewing a physician agreement?

    Reviewing a physician agreement?

    Finding out about a deal-breaker weeks into the negotiation process is no bueno. Be the hero and save your organization time and dinero with this clever checklist. Broken into two sections, this...

  • Has someone come to our ER seeking emergency care?

    Has someone come to our ER seeking emergency care?

    Healthcare laws are complicated—we’re looking at you, EMTALA!—but this decision tree is not. Use this tool to help your employees follow appropriate ER procedures: should the person...

  • Technical Support to HCPs

    Technical Support to HCPs

    It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this! Use this checklist to prep your reps to provide technical support in a clinical setting. This tool breaks down what they need to consider before and...

  • How to protect our data from imposters

    How to protect our data from imposters

    Kids dressing up as police officers = super cute. Adults impersonating them to get your company’s data = just plain creepy. But do your employees know what to do if they get a strange data...

  • Want to collect health information?

    Want to collect health information?

    Your folks need to be thoughtful when collecting health information, but they may not know everything they need to consider. This infographic guides your teams through critical questions to...

  • Keep, move, or discard it?

    Keep, move, or discard it?

    Accumulating stacks of paperwork at workstations is a normal part of the workday, but privacy breaches are not! This incredibly simple decision-tree takes the guesswork out of the equation so your...

  • Do I need consent to use health information?

    Do I need consent to use health information?

    It’s generally advisable to take a proceed-with-caution approach when sharing patient info, but there are three very specific scenarios where patient consent is NOT needed: treatment, payment,...

  • Are you an information blocker?

    Are you an information blocker?

    Are you a (gasp!) information blocker?! You’ve learned to be cautious. But when it comes to the Cures Act, there’s such a thing as being too cautious. Example: You could be an...

  • Is this health information?

    Is this health information?

    It’s not always obvious what’s considered health information and covered by privacy laws—or who’s responsible for keeping it secure.  That’s where this simple...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are...

  • How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    How to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity

    Need to complete the CMS Certificate of Medical Necessity? Use these elegant job aids to help your team do it properly. Government instructions, amirite?! We’ve taken the government’s...

  • How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    How to complete the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)

    Help your representatives navigate confusing government instructions for completing the CMS Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) with this straightforward job aid. We’ve simplified...

  • Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Instructions to review a Detailed Work Order (DWO)

    Use this graphic job aid to prevent your sales team from running afoul of CMS requirements when they review DWOs. Who knew reviewing DWOs were so complicated?! (Those in the medical field, obvs.)...

  • Referrals involving Medicare or Medicaid

    Referrals involving Medicare or Medicaid

    Use this decision tree to help your employees navigate the Stark Law’s requirements regarding referrals involving payment by Medicare or Medicaid. Covering the essentials of most day-to-day...
