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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • We do not tolerate retaliation

    We do not tolerate retaliation

    Use this highly visual piece to heighten your team’s understanding of what retaliation looks like, and what to do if it happens to them. This piece powerfully enforces a core tenet of your...

  • How to speak up when you're a bystander

    How to speak up when you're a bystander

    Employees don’t always speak up when they see things that don’t align with your org’s values or policies. Often, they throw in the towel because they think it’s someone...

  • Why should I care about compliance?

    Why should I care about compliance?

    Do your employees really get compliance or do they see it as a bureaucratic box-checking exercise they have to do once a year? Reach out to those naysayers (and your ethics cheerleaders) with this...

  • This is Harassment

    This is Harassment

    Understanding when behavior crosses a line isn't always clear. This guide shows employees the signs not to ignore in a graphic way that's easy to remember. Cleverly utilizing the senses of look,...

  • What is retaliation?

    What is retaliation?

    This helpful graphic gives full color to retaliation by both giving examples and explaining what to do about it. Retaliation is more than someone getting fired–this piece helps folks know it...

  • Our Code of Conduct

    Our Code of Conduct

    This ingenious infographic is the missing link between your masterful Code and having your employees actually use it. After all, you poured your compliance heart into an amazing reference tool that...

  • Cooperating with internal investigations

    Cooperating with internal investigations

    When Happy Cloud is involved, it's a good day. Reassure your employees with this calming guide by setting expectations and educating them on the process of being a part of an investigation. Drawing...

  • Basic Code of Conduct Obligations

    Basic Code of Conduct Obligations

    This general guide is a quick reminder (with tips!) of day-to-day things that every employee needs to know, including how each of us has responsibilities related to ethics and compliance. Meant as a...

  • Speak up: You have options!

    Speak up: You have options!

    Misconceptions around speaking up like, “you have to talk to your manager first” or “you should only go to compliance if someone’s breaking the law” will be a thing of...

  • What happens when I make a disclosure?

    What happens when I make a disclosure?

    Employees are hesitant to disclose their personal interests for a conflict review because they’re worried they’ll be in trouble, have to ditch their side gig, or who will see their...

  • What happens to information I share with the compliance helpline?

    What happens to information I share with the compliance helpline?

    Why’s it so scary in the dark? Because you can’t see what’s in it—duh! Shed some light on the unknown with this illuminating Helpline infographic.  It breaks down who...

  • Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk?

While prohibiting the use of AI might sound good, it ignores human nature to find the easiest path forward (and when has prohibition really ever worked anyway, amirite?). 

Give your employees direction with this comprehensive guide before they find themselves up a creek without a paddle. They’ll learn how to avoid disaster and why these steps are necessary. Not just that—they’ll appreciate finding clarity in the murky waters of AI ethics and you’ll know they have the right tools to get through the muck.

Wanna frame this important issue with a mini campaign? Bookend it with the We protect our data and  Notify Privacy when mistakes happen job aids.

    How to use AI Chatbots at work

    Your employees are eager to leverage AI chatbots to boost productivity and enhance their work. But how do you balance that with cybersecurity, protecting IP, and reputational risk? While prohibiting...

  • We protect our data

    We protect our data

    Foster a culture of data security at your company with this infographic, which answers the “why” of data protection with four key points: it’s the law, it’s good business, our...

  • Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Notify Privacy when mistakes happen

    Being accountable and fixing mistakes yourself is great, but when it comes to privacy mishaps, there are situations where the Privacy Team needs to be looped in. This infographic explains the most...

  • When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    When should I contact the Privacy Team?

    Living your values means ensuring data privacy throughout your org. You’ve written all the policies, operationalized training, and have a Chief Privacy Officer. But do your people know when to...

  • What happens when I contact the helpline?

    What happens when I contact the helpline?

    The hotline isn’t a black box. Take the mystery out of how the helpline process works with this easy explainer—you’ll show your people exactly how compliance reporting works,...

  • The Helpline Chronicles

    The Helpline Chronicles

    We recognize that not everyone fancies themselves a writer, so we've done the hard part and created this plug-and-play template for real life scenarios. Since the helpline is uncharted territory for...

  • Is this personal data?

    Is this personal data?

    Maintaining customer and employee privacy has always been important, but with GDPR, CCPA and other privacy regs across the globe, not only is it important—it’s also the law. Ensure your...

  • Cost of non-compliance

    Cost of non-compliance

    Compliance failures can cost a lot! And we’re not just talking money. We’ve all heard horror stories about penalties, obligations (deferred prosecution agreements, yikes!), reputational...

  • Help folks understand how the E&C Team impacts their day-to-day and why they are essential to our business with this infographic.

    What does the Ethics and Compliance team do?

    Next time you’re at a party and someone asks you what you do, hand them this! Okay, maybe don’t—that’s kinda weird, but you can use this inspiring infographic to to teach...

  • What is social retaliation?

    What is social retaliation?

    No one likes to feel like an outcast, especially after being brave and speaking up or participating in an investigation. This is the type of retaliation that many employees fear, but it isn’t...

  • Dawn Raid: How to Respond

    Dawn Raid: How to Respond

    Dawn Raids can be scary, but Happy Cloud knows what to do. Educate your team on how to respond when government agents come knocking. Your team shouldn’t be unprepared for a surprise visit from...

  • Guide your people through important pre-event decision-making and during-event reminders to ensure everyone feels safe, and no one goes off the rails.

    Behavior during business events

    Whether members of your org are attending a holiday party, product launch, or trade show—or anything in between—make sure they know what behavior you expect before attending the event...

  • Knowing what qualifies as a business record and needs to be maintained can be tricky. Unravel the mystery and avoid confusion with this infographic.

    What is a business record?

    Good records management keeps your business running smoothly, but knowing what qualifies as a business record and needs to be maintained can be tricky. Unravel the mystery and avoid confusion with...
