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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

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  • Bonus Icons: Personal Data & Privacy

    Bonus Icons: Personal Data & Privacy

    Handling personal data is an essential part of your business, so making sure your employees do it properly is non negotiable. Help them easily understand data privacy basics, from collecting to...

  • COI Disclosure Questions, simplified

    COI Disclosure Questions, simplified

    Quality disclosure questions are REALLY hard to write well and are rarely seen in the wild. That's why these COI Disclosure questions are perfect—they're easy to use AND understand. So, if...

  • Awareness Campaign: Upcoming Training Reminders

    Awareness Campaign: Upcoming Training Reminders

    You’ve got more important things to do than chase down overdue stragglers, so make sure you don’t have to with this training reminder bundle.  With six clever concepts in one useful...

  • Email signatures: Ethical decision-making

    Email signatures: Ethical decision-making

    Send an artful reminder to employees that they’re not alone in making tough decisions by equipping your managers, senior leadership and fellow compliance team members with this set of email...

  • Bonus Icons: Contacting Helpline and Compliance

    Bonus Icons: Contacting Helpline and Compliance

    Your company offers a variety of ways to speak up, so use these icons to make your folks aware of how they can contact compliance—from chatbots to QR codes to text messaging—and...

  • Video: Stuck with a Tough Decision?

    Video: Stuck with a Tough Decision?

    This short training video (1:14) frames ethical decision-making in super practical terms, focusing on how people actually think instead of vague hypotheticals or academic philosophies. We’ll...

  • Harassment: Cyberbullying

    Harassment: Cyberbullying

    “Stop being a jerk on Facebook, Caitlyn.” But like, in a fun campaign format. Using collateral you can print in multiple formats (screensavers, posters, mousepads, and coasters), this...

  • Harassment: Inappropriate Computer Usage

    Harassment: Inappropriate Computer Usage

    No matter how hard IT tries, you can't block all the porn. Use this messaging to remind people that looking at dirty stuff at work is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful. Everyone...
