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Welcome to Broadcat’s Compliance Design Club!

Browse our job aids, infographics, red flags checklists, and so many other amazing compliance communications and tools.

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  • We do not tolerate retaliation (line art version)

    We do not tolerate retaliation (line art version)

    Use this highly visual piece to heighten your team’s understanding of what retaliation looks like, and what to do if it happens to them. This piece powerfully enforces a core tenet of your...

  • This guide does the heavy lifting of defining HCPs, outlining what to document, and where to submit all this info (on time)!

    Providing something of value to an HCP?

    When providing payment or something of value to healthcare professionals, transparency is paramount. But to accomplish this, your teams need to gather and report accurate and complete information...

  • Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy for that weird stomach feeling, we do have a solution to ease some of your anxiety...  Prepare your employees for the integration with this one-pager that carefully lists everything to do (and not to do) premerger. Share this gun-jumping infographic for extra impact.

    Before a merger or acquisition...

    Mergers and acquisitions can be both exciting and terrifying, like base jumping, that long drop on a rollercoaster, or attending a social event for us introverts. While we don’t have a remedy...

  • Helpline: Anonymous vs. Confidential

    Helpline: Anonymous vs. Confidential

    Investigations can be complex, but your speak-up comms don’t need to be! Keep it basic with this straightforward chart that quickly eases fears about reporting to the helpline. By breaking down...

  • Giving and receiving feedback

    Giving and receiving feedback

    If a chunk of your Helpline reports stem from interpersonal issues—like general lack of civility and professionalism—you’re not alone.   And, that’s no surprise. People...

  • Social Media for Sensitive Projects

    Social Media for Sensitive Projects

    Don’t let your employees give away secret information for free. This handy decision tree shows employees the potential pitfalls of social media use while working on highly confidential matters...

  • This job aid equips teams with the know-how to spot red flags in your supply chain—from environmental hazards and worker mistreatment to outright fraud.

    Supplier Red Flags

    Do your people actually know what vendor behaviors are considered shady? This job aid equips your employees with the know-how to spot red flags in your supply chain—from environmental hazards...

  • Explain what insider threats are, where they come from, and what red flag behaviors your teams need to bring to your attention.

    Insider threat red flags

    Educate your employees on what insider threats are, where they come from, and some common red flag behaviors.  This infographic kicks things off with a not-so-obvious concept: that insider...

  • While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker is intoxicated while working.

In three steps, this job aid explains that employees should 1) not jump to conclusions or pass judgment, 2) try to move the affected colleague away from a potentially dangerous setting, and 3) let someone know immediately. Plus, it outlines helpful info HR needs to know to investigate. 

This job aid is especially powerful in a manufacturing or construction environment, where safety concerns are paramount. Pair it with Substance abuse red flags or Resources to help with substance abuse for even more impact.

    Suspect substance abuse on the job?

    While employees are not responsible for a teammate’s substance abuse, they ARE responsible for reporting it. Walk your employees through exactly what they need to do if they suspect a coworker...

  • How to protect our data from imposters

    How to protect our data from imposters

    Kids dressing up as police officers = super cute. Adults impersonating them to get your company’s data = just plain creepy. But do your employees know what to do if they get a strange data...

  • We never collect sensitive personal data

    We never collect sensitive personal data

    Collecting data is an essential part of your business—it’s how you identify your customers and helps you tailor your products and services. But, let’s be real—collecting data...

  • Interacting with clients and service providers

    Interacting with clients and service providers

    While treating customers and vendors with respect is the right thing to do, it’s also great for business. Avoid helpline complaints and negative reviews (including on job search sites) by...

  • Submitting a Timesheet?

    Submitting a Timesheet?

    Getting creative at work is usually a good thing, but not when it comes to timekeeping. Incorporate this checklist into the time tracking process, so both your hourly employees and managers are...

  • What to know before an emergency situation

    What to know before an emergency situation

    When starting in a new location, there’s so much stuff competing for space in your brain that safety protocols don't always make the cut. Plus, instant recall is tough when you’re in...
