Gifts and Entertainment
Ramadan: We practice hospitality (calligraphy/dallah version)
This Ramadan-themed piece reminds your team that your organization has policies about gifts and entertainment.
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Eid: We give wisely (calligraphy version)
A beautiful illustration of gifting hands to remind your employees to follow your donations policy during Ramadan.
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Ramadan: We practice hospitality (dallah version)
Remind your team they can give gifts and entertain, but extravagance is never an option.
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Eid: We give wisely
Use this graphic piece to remind your employees to focus on where charitable donations are going—and how your policy can make that easier.
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We NEVER give cash
Cash and corruption go hand-in hand; keep this simple rule on your team's radar.
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We pay business travel for businesspeople - vertical
What could be more clear? Business travel is purely for business.
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We pay for travel to/from our sites - vertical
Make it super easy for your employees to remember what business travel is, and isn't.
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This is not a business gift (jewelry version)
It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts.
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This is not a business gift (luxury car version)
It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts.