Corruption and Bribery
Give wisely this holiday season
During a season of giving, remind your folks of these principles of ethical business gifts.
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So-and-so is a government official
Your company (and the law) has specific rules about spending money on government officials. Raise your team's awareness about who actually is one.
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If you approve it, you own it
Your employees are grown-ups, but sometimes they need reminders that they're accountable for anything they approve.
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We give reasonable gifts
Santa loves giving fabulous gifts, but he's not doing it as part of a business relationship (or subject to your gifts and entertainment policy). Remind your employees that business gifts are reasonable.
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Nope: We don't give bribes, we don't take bribes
Reinforce your anti-corruption policy with this clear and direct message.
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We don't [blank] for referrals
A simple graphic showing typical forms of kickbacks, this graphic reminds your company that they're always refused.
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This is a third party (basic version)
Third parties can be confusing, but this simple graphic makes it easy.
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Petty Cash is Not for Individuals
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for individuals.
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Petty Cash is Not for Aiding Government Action
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for aiding government action.
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If getting the permit seemed too easy...
Empower your employees to stop and assess when government interactions seem too good to be true—they just might be.
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Lots of people pay bribes
A powerful graphic to remind your team that you don't tolerate bribes—and neither does the law.
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Do you know what your third parties are doing?
Your partners and vendors can cause a world of hurt—are your employees keeping watch?
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Bribery is a crime everywhere
Distill your global anti-corruption policy into one simple poster.
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Know what your third parties are doing
Your vendors and intermediaries can get you into trouble and waste your money; make sure your team is watching out.
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Do you need to disclose it?
Sometimes business gifts must be reported; keep that front-of-mind for your employees.
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This is not a business gift (cash version)
It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts.
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This is not a business gift (fur coat version)
It's simple and powerful: a quick reminder to avoid excessive business gifts.
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Nah, we're good.
This graphic brings home a key anticorruption message: we earn our business, we don't bribe for it. Need it in landscape? Check out the horizontal version!
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All expenses must include receipts
Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.
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Expenses must have a clear business purpose
Help your people reviewing invoices avoid fraud or bribery by showing them what red flags look like—they'll love you for it! Use these graphics alongside our other invoice red flag pieces for a strategic campaign tackling this compliance priority.
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Eid: We Give Wisely (calligraphy/hands version)
A beautiful illustration of gifting hands to remind your employees to follow your donations policy during Eid Al Adha.
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Petty Cash is Not for Import/Export or Handling Fees
It’s called “petty” cash, but it can cause big problems. Make it super easy for your team to remember: petty cash has a lot of uses, but never for handling fees.
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We conduct due diligence
This simple reminder drills home to your sales and business development folks that your company doesn't just do deals, you look into the deals first.
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If they won't give you a receipt, it might be a bribe
This simple graphic alerts your employees to a common indicator of bribery.