
Corruption and Bribery

Finance Team

  • Travel for government officials must be pre-approved

    Travel for government officials must be pre-approved

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that expenses involving government officials are always pre-approved. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build out a full campaign and stop fraud and...

  • Gifts are not travel expenses

    Gifts are not travel expenses

    Remind your managers and finance team to check that the right things are included on T&E reports—and the wrong things aren’t disguised as legit expenses. This graphic can be used alongside our other travel & expense materials to build...

  • Petty cash training module for managers

    Petty cash training module for managers

    Empower your managers to identify and stop petty cash abuses. This visual guide syncs up with our petty cash checklist. Each page expands on one of the 20 checklist items with space to list visualized examples of what’s OK—and what...

  • Travel & expenses training module for managers

    Travel & expenses training module for managers

    This simple visual guide shows your management team how to quickly identify any impermissible expenses prior to approving payment. This visual guide syncs up with our deep-dive travel and expense checklist. Each page expands on one of the 24 checklist...

  • Petty cash red flags checklist

    Petty cash red flags checklist

    Give your managers and finance team a roadmap of proper petty cash procedures. Small amounts of money can create huge problems, but it’s still natural to be tempted to ignore something literally called “petty.” This piece gets your...

  • Only approve known expenses

    Only approve known expenses

    Remind your employees that vague details in expense reports aren't harmless—they could be hiding fraud or bribes.

  • If the payment terms are confusing...

    If the payment terms are confusing...

    This simple graphic encourages your team not to be shy about asking questions on invoices—especially when payment details look shady.

  • Not sure how our money is being spent?

    Not sure how our money is being spent?

    Financial stewardship is each employee's job. Keep that on their radar.
