Charitable Donations
Anticorruption for Salespeople
When it comes to BIG topics like Anticorruption, portion control is a must. Otherwise, your sales team is going to mentally check out from the information overload. Check, please! Instead, serve up this locally-sourced checklist that boils down...
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Is it a sponsorship, grant, or donation?
Umm, who approved sponsoring this Cheese Rolling event?... It’s great when companies participate in corporate giving. But it’s not so great when external requests for funding are miscategorized–or even worse–the request...
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Working with a charity?
Avoid risky donations—and the resulting effect on your company’s reputation—with this straightforward checklist of compliant charitable donations. This piece helps your employees think through the donations they’re considering...
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Received a request for funding?
Anyone at your org might pick up the phone or receive an email asking for funding. Ensure they know exactly how to navigate those requests and avoid downstream issues with this job aid. Covering donations, grants, sponsorship and access programs, this...
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🔥 Trending
How to tell if someone’s asking for a bribe
Since shady people rarely come out and say, “pay this bribe,” it can be tricky to know when someone’s asking for one. especially when it involves non-monetary favors and sharing information. This clever infographic reveals the five...
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Just because it's for a good cause... (heart version)
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.
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Anticorruption for salespeople (mini-module)
This mini-module breaks down four A/C areas—government deals, managing third parties, gifts and entertainment, AND charitable contributions—in a way that isn’t sleep-inducing or over-the-top. It’s easy to digest, helping you meet...
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Video: Who’s a government official?
Walk your employees through the nuances of identifying a government official with this short (about 90 seconds), targeted training video. This video starts by explaining why it’s important to identify government officials, goes on to define who a...
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Anticorruption module (We play fair)
Let your employees know how to prevent corruption BEFORE it occurs—and what to report if it does—with this module. This helpful tool contains everything your teams need to know about identifying the signs of corruption with vibrant...
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Awareness Campaign: Give Wisely (Christmas)
Empower your team to navigate the world of corporate gifting with confidence! This essential holiday pack of six awareness materials provides clear guidelines and helpful tips to ensure your business gifts are ethical, appropriate, and strengthen...
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Is it a charitable donation or a bribe?
Don't let your employees forget that just because it's called a "donation" doesn't mean it's not a bribe.
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Just because it's for a good cause... (truck version)
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.
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Bad guys ask for donations, too (grey version)
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.
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Bad guys ask for donations, too (blue version)
Don't let your team forget fraudsters can pose as charities.